(7.) A surprise?

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~~~YOUR POV~~~

Your alarm goes off suddenly and you wake up with a rush. Your sitting up wards now and you lean over and press cancel on your phone. You set your alarm for 6am, Because you wanted to be completely ready for a day with the pack.. But there was one one problem.. you try hard to think, but you just can't seem to remember how you got into bed. You only remembered talking to Lachlan and Vikk.. then you wake up in your bed. You quickly brush off the thought, thinking how you must of been tired and once you got back you were lights out. You slowly get out from your hotel bed and head your way to the bathroom. Once you done with your routine you head to your gym bag, you pull out short blue jean shorts, with a white tank top and a white flair. Before you slip on your shoes you text Rob-

(Y/n)- yo, I'm going down stairs for an early breakfast, if your up. Please come join me.

You place your phone down and slip on your White Adidas. You sit down in silence for a bit, kind of just waiting and see if Rob will answer. You move to your desk with your Computer layout and decide to upload you pre planned video, just so you don't have to worry about forgetting. You sit and wait for a few minutes for it to upload, once complete you shut everything down and flop on your bed. You reach over and grab your phone, turn it on to see no new messages. You drop you phone onto the bed and wait around 30 seconds. Then you grab your phone, put it in your back pocket and go head to the door. You open it and lock it behind you, and head you way to the elevator. You reach the elevator and press the button so it would come to you. The door open and you enter, all of a sudden you hear, "HEY!! (Y/N) WAIT UPP--!" You pop you head out just before the door closes and you see Rob jogging over. You laugh and stick you head back it, the door starts closing. Rob make to the door to see you wave with a bright smile before it shuts and your on your way to the bottom floor. You pull out your phone to read a missed message from Rob.

Robbbb 😃- Was in the bathroom!!! Wait for mehhhhh!!!

You laugh and look up to see the elevator door opening. You walk out and sit on a bench in front of the elevator doors. (Because you know Rob's coming) A few seconds later there was a DING and the elevator door to the left opens. Rob comes out walking and notices you snickering, he give you the 'are you serious' look. You stand up from your bench and start walking to the breakfast area, "You coming?" You say turning you head to him and giving him a smile. He then quickly follows behind you, "Don't do that again.." Rob says with a tiring sigh. "Do what?" You answer with the most innocent look on your face. "Oh come one! The elevators?" Rob says with a laugh, trying to be serious tho. "Huh.. elevators? I didn't know there were elevators! I took the stairs!" You say raising to a high pitch voice, mimicking a sweet little child. "Honestly, that was bad.. you could of said something like, 'Oh! I didn't take the elevator, I took the stairs'" He says. "But.. come on.. you didn't know there was elevators?!" Rob says with a big laugh. "Whatever.." you reply with a giggle. You guys enter the breakfast area and you get in line, Rob gets some cereal and coffee, while you get a Bananna and chocolate chip muffin with coffee. You sit and eat for a while til' you two decide to head back.

You both walk to the the elevator and get in. Rob presses the 2nd floor button for you and you two stand in silence waiting to return to your floor. Once on your floor you both go your separate ways, "Rob when the boys wake up, come get me, we have to do something all together!" You say as you walk away. "ALREADY PLANNED ON ITT!!" Rob yells at you from the other side of the hallway. You open you hotel room door and shut it behind you. You flop on your bed and get on your phone, you get on Instagram and post a picture you secretly to of Rob while sitting across from him and the breakfast table. -Great breakfast with this dude! @woofless!! - your story said under the image. You grab the remote on the bedside table next to you and put on something random. Your phone buzzes and you see the @woofless liked and commented your post. -Sneaking picture of me now are you!😂- You like he's comment and put you phone on the charger. You feel like it's been around an hour, and you hear your phone ringing. You see that your getting a call from Rob, you pick up. "Yo!" You say plainly "Hurry up and come to Preston's car, me and the pack are waiting on you!" Rob says loudly. "Wait.. waiting on me?--" You hear a beep just to look at you phone and see that Rob hung up. You sigh as you get out of your comfortable position, you were already ready so you just walked yourself to the closet elevator. You got to the bottom floor waved and smiled at the worker behind the front desk and walked into the parking lot. You have no idea we're Preston was parked at, but you didn't need to,- 'honk honk!' you turn to you right to see Preston's car on the road, ready to pick you up. The side door opens and you sit down next to Lachlan. "What's going on? Where are the others?" You ask obviously confused. "Mich is driving Jerome and Vikk, because he's got he's own car. But that's all I can say!" Preston laughs answering you. You look at Rob in the passenger seat and he smiles, "Just enjoy the view for now!" He says as he turn up the radio and looks forward. You glance over at Lachlan and he looks just as confused as you are, "Do you know what we're doing?" You whisper to him. "Nope.. Preston, Rob and Mich got together this morning.. I think their planning something.." he says whispering back. "No duh Sherlock.." you say with a giggle. You then turn you head forward and look at Rob as he Sit there looking forward. You don't mean to but you accidentally end up looking or glancing at him the whole trip, luckily with no one noticing.

I feel like it's useless writing this because no one's gonna read it.. I'm to tired to think like that tho and I keep trying... Ugh..

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