~chapter 1~

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Hey everyone! I finished updating this chapter, I hope it's easier to read and less cringe. Feel free to re-read this chapter or just skip it I guess. You guys probably don't read this portion of my chapters anyway.


Hajime's POV:

I woke up in the same bed. I wish I could wake up in bed in my own home, where I will probably never see again. I will never get used to waking up in this bed.

I took a shower, got changed and went to the dining hall to find only Mahiru.

"Took you long enough!" She scolded me from the other side of the room.

"Why do you care, were you waiting for me?" I replied flatly, looking around at the oddly empty room.

"No! Shut up! Take this to Nagito for me..." She blushed and held out a plate of food. I completely forgot Souda and Nidai tied Komaeda up in the old building.

"Why do I have to do it?"
"Because he creeps me out and the boys should look out for the girls. Plus, you overslept so you have to pay the price, Lazy"
"I overslept? I didn't even bother to check the time..."
"You're such an idiot. Anyway, hurry up. I have... business to take care of!"

She handed me the plate and left before I could object so I did what I was told. When I got there, Monomi showed up but I assured her it was fine and I was just going to give Nagito some breakfast. I opened the door to where Komaeda was and entered. I shuddered when I saw him tied up.

"Ah, could it be...? Did you take time out of your busy day to bring some food to little old me?" Nagito said with a big smile on his face - out of context, that would have sounded like sarcasm. "Wow, I'm so happy! As you can see, I can't exactly greet you with my full hospitality... but feel free to relax."

'He was the same... as usual. Unlike his smile, his words carried a certain heaviness. As if a black poison was falling from his mouth every time he spoke, filling his surroundings with darkness... an illusion, but one I couldn't help feeling at the moment. I was hoping he'd just go back to normal and we could be friends again.' I was yanked out of my thoughts when I heard his voice again.

"Huh, what happened? Your face looks kinda scary.
"I didn't come here to talk to you, I just came to bring you some food. So come on, eat it."
"Huh? You're not going to feed me?"
"Wh-What do you mean!?"
"Well, I can't eat it on my own. You know, since my hands are all tied up. Actually... I was really embarrassed to ask a girl to feed me, so I'm glad you're the one who came."

'Oh I get it...' I thought. 'Mahiru! That must be why she asked me to go instead of her...!'

I sighed loudly, obviously bothered, before leaning down to feed him. "Open wide," I muttered as I offered a him spoonful. He chewed slowly and in a gentle motion, I imagined his chewing to be a bit sloppy since he was laying down but I guess that wasn't the case.

"...but that's not the only reason why I'm glad you came." He started, looking up at me with those menacing eyes.

"And that would be...?" I rolled my eyes and looked down at his, seeing his expression soften only slightly.

"We were really close when we first got on this island so, naturally, I saw you as my... friend... before I exposed my motives. I still do but I know you don't see me in that way anymore."

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