Chapter 15

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Time skip 2 days.

Sapphires pov.
I woke up at 5:31 in the morning and I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. So I decided to get dressed and brush my hair, the usual. After I was done I was bored so I decided to text Jimin.

Good morning, Jimin! Are you awake?🤔

Yes I am a wake. I woke up a few minutes ago.

Me too. I'm really bored so I decided to text you.

Well I'm bored to. Hey I'll be at your place in like 5 minutes I want to show you something!

Okay, sure.

Okay. 😉


Five minutes later Jimin was at my front door. "Good morning Sapphire." Jimin smiled. "Good morning Jimin." I said and smiled back. We stared at eachother for a moment before Jimin broke the silence saying to follow him and I did. We walked out of my apartment building and onto the streets of Seoul. It was still kinda dark out and a little chilly due to the sun not being out yet. Jimin picked me up in his arms and ran. I had my eyes closed and just relaxed in his arms. We stopped and Jimin put me down. "Just follow me and be careful of where you step." Jimin warned and I nodded. I followed him into an older building that needed to be remodeled. We walked up several flights of stairs and I was already tired and falling behind. I hate stairs so much. I looked back up at Jimin who was a flight ahead of me. He looked lost in thought as he walked up the stairs. I sighed and started walking again. I was really tired and wanted to take a break but Jimin wanted to show me something. I took another step but there was something hard that was in my way. It grabbed my waist and I looked up to see Jimin staring down at me. "Sorry about leaving you behind, I got lost in my own thoughts." Jimin explained. "It's okay, it happens." I replied. "I'm going to have to pick you up again if we're going to make it on time." Jimin said as he picked me up and ran up the rest of the stairs. He set me down and opened a door to a roof top. "Come on." Jimin said as he took my hand. He stopped and told me to look ahead. I gasped at the sight. The sun was rising over the city buildings and the sky was colors of pink, orange, purple and blue. It was a breathtaking view of the city. "It's beautiful!" I exclaimed in awe. "I thought you would like it." Jimin said. "I love it! Thank you Jimin~ah." I said sincerely. I looked up at him and saw he was staring at me. My heartbeat increased and I felt a blush spread across my cheeks. I knew then that I had a crush on Jimin and was falling for him fast. I couldn't lie to myself any longer. But I had to keep these feelings to myself. There is no way Jimin would ever feel the same, besides he's a vampire and I'm a mermaid. I looked away and hope he doesn't even think I like him more than a friend. My stomach growled and I heard Jimin giggle. My face grew hot again and I really want to dig myself a hole and lay in it. "Let's go get some breakfast." Jimin suggested and I nodded not meeting his eyes. He picked me up again and ran. He got me and him some donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast and we ate them at a park. After that we wondered around the city the rest of the day. It felt like a date, but I know it wasn't. I know this is going to hurt when he finds a different girl to date. I know it is going to hurt but I still can't stay away. I'm an idiot.

Hey, I'm back! I promise I will update more now that school is out and I don't have 10 million things to do.

The Vampires Mermaid.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin