Chapter: 11

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Sapphires Pov.

I woke up feeling very warm. I slowly opened my eyes and relized I wasn't in my room. I sat up and saw Jimin sitting in a chair at the edge of the bed. He looked up and smiled. "Um..hi J-jimin." I stuttered feeling embarrassed and confused. "Hi Sapphire. How are you feeling?" He asked gently. "I feel fine, just a little light headed." I answered. "Thats good." Jimin sighed in relief. "Why am I not in my room?" I asked. "Oh...our bracelet went off and we came to find you. We took you back here to have you healed." Jimin explained. "Oh, thank you for helping me." I smiled. "Sapphire who did that to you?" Jimin asked. "I-it was some Vampire named Alexis. She's been bothering me for more than a week. I didn't actually think her and her friends would hurt me." I explained. Jimin sighed and put in face in his hands showing his frustration. "Sapphire please be more careful and if someone is giving you a hard time please tell us." Jimin said and looked up at me. "Okay, I will." I promised and he nodded. I feel like I could feel his frustration and hurt. I know it's not my own feelings. "Jimin, are you frustrated and hurt?" I asked and he immediately looked at me. "Yes." He replied in a shaky voice. I could feel his anxiety rise. "Why can I feel what your feeling?" I asked getting nervous myself. "Well please don't be mad, but Jin couldn't heal you very much and we were running out of time and so I gave you some of my blood to heal you. The consequence of this is being able to feel eachothers emotions. It creates a bond between the vampire and human." Jimin explained quickly. I wasn't mad at all. He saved me so how could I be. "Jimin its okay, I'm not mad. I'm actually greatful that you saved me." I said and smiled. Jimin smiled back and was relieved by my response. We are still best friends and nothing will change that. I care about Jimin and all of his brothers. "Do you want to go to the park?" Jimin asked and I nodded. We went downstairs to see if the others wanted to go as well. Jimin and I walked into the livingroom and immediately Jungkook and Taehyung ran over and gave me a hug. "Wow you can smell Jimin's blood in her!" Taehyung commented. "Tae shut up!" Jungkook scolded. "Guys I already know. Clam down." I giggled. "Oh, okay. Um sorry." Jungkook apologized. "Its okay." I said. "Anyway do you want to go to the park?" Jimin asked. "Of course!" Taehyung said immediately. "Sure, its a nice day." Jungkook agreed. "Wait did I sleep here overnight?" I asked noticing the sunny sky outside. "Yeah." Yoongi said as he peeled himself off the couch. "What?! I'm so sorry! I stayed the night. Oh my gosh!" I said freaking out. "Please calm down. It's no big deal, your fine now." Yoongi said. "Yeah..." I said and took a deep breath.
Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok walked into the room. "Hello Sapphire!" Namjoon and Jin greeted. "Hello." I greeted back. "How are you feeling?" Namjoon asked. "I'm feeling much better. Thank you for helping me." I said. "No problem." Namjoon said and smiled. "Do you want to go to the park?" Jimin asked. "Sure." Jin agreed and Namjoon nodded. "Well lets go!" Taehyung yelled excitedly. Jimin opened his arms up towards me and I nodded. He picked me up and walked out the front door. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded. Jimin started running and the world flew by in a blur. It wasn't but 15 seconds when he stopped and we were all at the park. Jimin set me down and I walked towards the swings. I sat down on one and looked at Jimin who was walking towards me. He sat down on a swing next to mine and started to swing. I copied his movements and the swing went back and forth. It was alot of fun. After awhile I got off the swing and decided to play on the slide. I went down a couple of times before going to where Jungkook and Taehyung were spining. They stopped and looked at me. "Can I try?" I asked. "Sure. Just sit down and hold on really tight." Jungkook said and stood up. I sat down and wrap my arms and legs on the pole. Jungkook began spinning whatever I am on. It was really fast and I started to giggle. It was really fun and I was beginning to feel light headed. Land is very fun.

Jimin's pov.

I watched Sapphire slide down the slide and play with some of the equipment on the playground before walking towards Taehyung and Jungkook on the Merry go round. Jin and Namjoon were on a bench talking and Hoseok was trying to get Yoongi to play on the monkey bars with him. I looked over and saw Jungkook spinning Sapphire and Taehyung around very fast. She was very happy and having fun but I could tell she was getting light headed. I could feel it. She let out a giggle as Jungkook continued to spin them. I should have Jungkook stop. I jumped off the swing and ran towards them. I stopped by Jungkooks side. "Hey Jungkook Sapphires getting light heade, after this she should get off." I said. "Alright Jimin Hyung." He sighed. "Thank you." I replied and watched the ride slow down. Soon it stopped and I walked up to Sapphire who was obviously dizzy. She tried to stand up but fell back down and I chuckled at how cute she was. A warm feeling spread across my chest as I picked her up. I felt really happy and weird. My heart was beating faster than usual. This is strange. "I don't feel so good." Sapphire said. "Thats because your dizzy, in a few minutes you will feel better just close your eyes, it will help." I explained as I sat down on a bench. I listened to Sapphires breathing as she tried to relax until she wasn't dizzy anymore. I could feel her heart beat and smell her blood and it made my throat burn. But I can't drink her blood. It would scare her and it would make our relationship complicated when I found my mate if I did anytime soon. I felt her shift and I looked down to see her green eyes staring into mine. I felt her heart beat quicken and I broke eye contact. " Are you feeling any better?" I asked. "Yeah, alot better. Can we get some icecream though?" She asked. "Um sure there's an icecream stand over there." I said and we walked over to it. She got vanilla with chocolate stripes in hers while I got strawberry. She thanked me and we started to walk down the path. "Its such a beautiful day!" Sapphire said as she lifted her face to the sky enjoying the warmth from the sun. We walked and talked for awhile. It was a very calm and relaxing time. It was just nice. I looked over at Sapphire and i could feel my heart beat quicken as I admired Sapphire. The way she smiled and how her hair her looked so soft. I snapped out of my thoughts and going to be in big trouble.

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