"I for one, LOVE children. They're definitely the cutest and sweet little things. Is it okay if I come over to visit after she delivers the baby?" Jackson squealed like a child. He seemed very excited, more than Yugyeom was. "You're stalling aren't you?" Yugyeom sighed, ruffling his own hair until it was up in all directions.

"It's not in our place to say, Yugyeom. You should know that" Lisa replied. "But there is one thing we ask of you.. don't bring it up anymore. Don't force him to tell you if he doesn't want to. This isn't like anything he's ever kept from you before."

"Now you're making me want to know. Is it really that bad?" Yugyeom asked.

"Worse than bad, nothing good will come out of it. Stay out of it and please don't question him.. also, make sure he's staying hydrated and eating well" Jackson lifted his finger up to end the call, but he was interrupted by Yugyeom, "Wait! Is he not eating well?!" Jackson and Lisa turned to each other, unsure if they should say anything. BamBam said he'd tell him about that, but he didn't. Not only was the Thai boy hiding something, he was hiding two different things from his boyfriend.

"Fuck it" Jackson began.

"Jacks! We promised not to tell him!" Lisa snatched the phone away from his hand, about to hang up their FaceTime call. However, Jackson snatched it right back since he was stronger. "You promised, I didn't. This is the only way we can watch over Bams from all the way out here. We both want him to be healthy, right?" Jackson spoke sternly as Lisa sighed, nodding. "Then he has to know because it's clear BamBam didn't tell him."

"Listen Yugyeom, BamBam was diagnosed with Vasovagal Syncope back in Thailand a few years ago" Jackson lowered his voice, almost a whisper since he didn't want BamBam to accidentally walk in. Yugyeom was clearly confused and had no clue as to what that was. Lisa noticed and added, "It drops his heart rate and blood pressure which explains why he fainted in his bathroom a few months ago. It happens when he's badly stressed which is most likely from his big obsession with losing weight."

"He's not eating well and he fainted a few months ago?!" Yugyeom couldn't believe a word he was hearing. BamBam just kept hiding things from him and he was sick of all of it. "Of course he didn't tell you, I'm sure he just didn't want you to worry about him. He told us he was getting better, but we're not so sure anymore" Lisa added.

"Not sure about what?" BamBam peeked his head out from the doorway, giggling cutely as he ran to Yugyeom. He sat on his boyfriend's lap, facing the laptop in front of them. "Jacks! Lisa! How long have you three been talking?" BamBam asked as he waved excitedly at the camera. The atmosphere suddenly felt awkward to the youngest boy of the three. Yugyeom wasn't sure if he truly knew the Thai boy anymore or if he ever even did.

Yugyeom stayed silent the whole time, just listening to his boyfriend rambling along with his best friends. The younger boy snaked his arms around BamBam's waist, burying his head into BamBam's shoulder. Although the Korean boy was partly upset with his boyfriend, he still loved him to pieces and nothing was ever going to change that, no matter what the Thai boy was hiding from him.

"Ready?" BamBam shut his laptop off, turning around on Yugyeom's lap. The younger boy questionably hummed since he hadn't heard what his boyfriend had asked him. "I asked if you were ready to go to school.. you okay? You've been a little quiet" BamBam pressed his forehead against Yugyeom's, lacing their fingers together.

"I'm fine.. are you?" Yugyeom squeezed BamBam's hand, rubbing his thumb gently over his boyfriend's hand. It was such a simple gesture, but it was enough to make BamBam fall in love all over again. Yugyeom cupped the smaller boy's cheeks, waiting for him to speak up. BamBam shifted on his boyfriend's lap to make himself more comfortable before speaking up, "I'm okay, really." The taller boy found that hard to believe after his whole conversation with Jackson and Lisa, but he just nodded in response.

The younger boy's eyes kept flicking up and down from BamBam's eyes to his lips and he couldn't contain himself for much longer until he felt the familiar plump lips against his own. The two boys' lips moved together in perfect sync, but quickly ended with BamBam's bottom lip between Yugyeom's teeth. The younger released the older boy's bottom lip, giggling afterwards, "I love you so much."

"I love you too" BamBam quickly said it back, knowing he truly meant it. He always meant it. Yugyeom had a really cute grin and it only seemed to get brighter after hearing those four words escape his boyfriend's shiny and swollen pink lips. No matter how many times the two young boys reminded each other about their love for one another, both of their hearts would get all giddy and soft every single time.

"Come on, we shouldn't be late" Yugyeom took BamBam's hand in his as the two boys walked out of the home on their route to school. "Hey Babe, what are your plans for spring break?" The taller boy asked as they swung their laced fingers back and forth.

"Not sure. Why?" BamBam asked, looking up at his taller boyfriend.

"I was thinking that maybe.. we should go to Thailand." Once those words escaped Yugyeom's lips, the Thai boy froze. He stopped in his tracks and squeezed his boyfriend's hand tighter. "R-Really? What brought this on?" BamBam's eyes seemed to glimmer under the warm sun and Yugyeom could tell his boyfriend was happy and excited.

"Well, Jackson and Lisa came to visit already, so it's only fair if we go to them this time. Also, I want to learn more about your culture.. I want to learn more about my beautiful boyfriend" Yugyeom squeezed the smaller boy's hand, smiling down at him warmly.

BamBam took a deep sigh before he smiled brightly at the taller boy. "I'd love that. I love you. There's so much I want to show you!" BamBam giggled as he got on his tippy toes, jumping up for a kiss. However, Yugyeom was playing dumb, pretending he didn't know what the Thai boy wanted. "Lower!" BamBam whined as he reached his right hand up to the back of Yugyeom's neck, trying to make him bend down enough for him to reach.

The taller boy then leaned down a bit, pressing his lips against his boyfriend's. "I love you too, and maybe we could stop by one of those beautiful beaches I've seen framed around your house. How does that sound?" Yugyeom pressed his forehead against BamBam's, smiling down lovingly at his boyfriend.

"I'd love nothing more" BamBam giggled. "We could ask our parents after school and look up the tickets later, but now- we better start moving or we're definitely going to be late." The smaller boy took Yugyeom's hand in his as they continued their route back to school.

When they arrived, BamBam and his boyfriend went to his locker to retrieve some of his books. Yugyeom had memorized his boyfriend's locker combination, so it was no surprise when he unlocked it. "I could've done that on my own" BamBam smiled at Yugyeom. The taller boy shook his head as he leaned his head against the lockers. "I don't want you to ruin your pretty hands" Yugyeom smiled as he pecked the boy's cheek. BamBam rolled his eyes and opened his locker door, jumping back as flower petals fell out.

"You're such a sap, you didn't have to" BamBam giggled as he collected the petals into his small hands. Yugyeom visibly tensed up, his fist tightening..

"That wasn't me."

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