04. Anchors

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"BamBam? Are you in here?!" Yugyeom yelled, filled with worry. All he heard was sniffling in the last stall. He kicked the door open, seeing the boy on the floor, crying his eyes out as he held another blade against his wrist.

"What are you thinking?!" Yugyeom yelled, snatching the blade, flushing it down the toilet again. Thankfully, the boy hadn't cut into his wrist yet.

"What the hell is your problem?!" BamBam shot back, slapping the Korean boy. "It's my life! I can do whatever the fuck I want!!" He yelled again. Yugyeom stayed quiet, back hugging the Thai boy. BamBam squirmed, yelling profanities at the top of his lungs. However, Yugyeom didn't say anything, he just held the boy tighter.

After what felt like an hour, BamBam had finally given up on fighting back. He pushed Yugyeom away, grabbing his backpack from the floor. "Why won't you leave me alone?!" BamBam yelled.

"Because I care about you!" Yugyeom shot back. The Thai boy stayed silent, shaking his head. "No! You don't! We've only known each other for two days! I'm not your responsibility!" The Thai boy continued to yell. BamBam's breathing began to get uneven, clutching at his chest in pain.

"Are you okay? Talk to me!" Yugyeom began to freak out, catching the boy from falling. "I'm here! It's okay!" He continued, grabbing BamBam's hand. BamBam couldn't breathe- he was having a panic attack.

Everyone knows that the only way to stop a panic attack is to make them hold their breath, so their breathing goes back to normal and that's exactly what Yugyeom did. The younger boy smashed his lips against BamBam's, wrapping his arms around his small waist. Yugyeom slowly pulled away, both of the boys' cheeks tinted pink. BamBam whimpered, running out of the bathroom. The Thai boy ran all the way to his house again, touching his lips in confusion.

"This is all your fault!" Yugyeom yelled at Jinyoung.

"You know I was just teasing you! I didn't mean to start the rumors!" Jinyoung shot back.

"Both of you! Shut the fuck up!" Jaebum yelled. Both boys glared at each other, turning to Jaebum. "Jinyoung didn't mean to, so what's the problem?"

"The problem is that BamBam almost-" Yugyeom stopped himself.

"He almost what?" Mark asked.

"He- he almost hurt himself... again" Yugyeom gulped.

"Again?" Youngjae's eyes went wide.

"I don't want him to ever hurt himself again" Yugyeom began to sob quietly. Jinyoung's eyes softened, hugging the maknae. "I'm sorry, but you need to get him some help."

"He wouldn't want a stranger to help him, I'll do it myself" Yugyeom sniffled. "I have to go find him. Hopefully he doesn't slap me again" Yugyeom chuckled softly.

"He hurt you?!" Jaebum grit his teeth in anger.

"I'm okay, don't worry about me" Yugyeom smiled slightly. "I kissed him too" Yugyeom smiled widely, his fingers on his lips, remembering the feeling of the Thai boy's soft plump lips against his.

"What?! Tell us about it!" Youngjae gasped.

"He was having a panic attack, so I helped him" Yugyeom said softly.

"At least he's okay" Youngjae sighed. Yugyeom nodded, leaving his Hyungs, walking towards BamBam's house.

Yugyeom knocked on the door softly. The door opened, revealing a younger girl with short brown hair and bangs, a lollipop in her mouth. "Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm a friend of BamBam's. Is he home?" Yugyeom smiled politely. The girl opened the door, letting Yugyeom inside. "I'm his sister, call me Baby. You're that boy from next door right? The one with the lemon tree?" The girl asked. Yugyeom nodded in confusion, not sure why she'd even ask. "So you're the one that gave us that basket of lemons?" A smile tugged on Baby's lips. Yugyeom nodded, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "He's upstairs in his room, it's the second do-" Baby began before Yugyeom cut her off.

"I know where it is, thank you" Yugyeom smiled. Baby's jaw dropped in amusement, watching the boy walk up the stairs.

"Bambi?" Yugyeom knocked on the door. No response. He slowly turned the door knob, walking inside the familiar room. He spotted BamBam on the bed, watching tv with visible dry tear stains on his cheeks. "You okay?" Yugyeom asked, sinking down on the boy's bed. BamBam's eyes went wide, turning off the tv, the blush still on his cheeks from the sudden nickname.

"I'm sorry I slapped you. Twice" BamBam covered his face in embarrassment. The Korean boy smiled, mumbling that it was okay.

"Gyeom?" BamBam asked softly, playing with his fingers. "Why did you kiss me?" He asked softly, the heat not leaving his flustered cheeks.

"Because you were having a panic attack, I wanted to help you" Yugyeom replied softly.

"Oh" BamBam replied, trying to hide how upset he was at the response. "Thank you."

"Hey Bambi.. Can I ask you something?" Yugyeom chewed on the inside of his cheek, scared to ask his question. The Thai boy looked up, nodding slowly. "Why were you upset about those rumors? Do you hate me that much?" Yugyeom rubbed his eyes, trying so hard to not cry in front of the older boy.

"I don't hate you, Gyeom" BamBam replied softly. "I just don't want people to get the wrong idea."

"So you're saying you're embarrassed of me?" At that point, the Korean boy began to cry. "Are you too cool to be seen with a sophomore?! Is that it?!" Yugyeom began to sob louder, walking towards the door. BamBam stood up, pulling the boy back. His heart began to break, watching countless tears run down the boy's face. BamBam had no experience in cheering people up since his best friend Jackson was always the mood lifter.

He awkwardly wrapped his arms around the sobbing Yugyeom. "I didn't mean it like that, Gyeom. Stop crying, please?" Yugyeom sniffled, wrapping his skinny arms around BamBam's small waist.

"How about you take me to your room, so you could teach me how to play the piano? I love how you play" BamBam giggled, wiping the boy's tears with his thumbs. Yugyeom smiled widely, nodding excitedly. "See? You're even cuter when you smile" BamBam blurted out without thinking. Both boys' eyes went wide, the heat rushing back up to their cheeks. BamBam jumped up, grabbing Yugyeom's hand as he dragged him next door.

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