Your Post Snap Fate Extended: Natasha & Thor

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You and Nat were fighting side by side, taking down the aliens, you jumped onto the back of one of the aliens, taking it down with one strike to the neck "Great job МойCœur." Nat patted your back, you nodded surveying the area when you noticed Wanda by herself facing off Proxima Midnight.

So you ran towards them, Nat following behind "What's the wrong МойCœur?" She asked you pointed towards Wanda, Nat nodding her head "You'll die alone." Proxima told Wanda before you attacked her from behind "She's not alone." You told her as Nat and Okoye (who showed up a few moments later) aimed their weapons towards her.

Wanda gave the three a grateful smile. As they all fought against Proxima, a rolling spike happened to be coming by so Wanda took the chance to send her into it as it rolled by, falling to the ground panting from exhaustion, you wiped your face "Good fight guys."

They nodded "Forest. Let's move." You nodded following Natasha, Okoye, and Wanda into the forest, "Vision 4th and Wanda are who you need to watch over, got it?" Natasha looked you in the eyes, you nodded once again, running off behind Wanda.


Thor slammed his hammer into Thanos' chest, as you helped Wanda up, wiping the tears from your eyes, Thanos brought his hand to his head and snapped, disappearing into a portal he opened behind him. Thor stood in place confused. The cries of the Wakandian warriors, silence, "Steve?" More silence "No no no.." Even more silence, you looked down noticing Wanda's weight wasn't in your arms, you screamed noticing her turning to dust.

In a panic when Wanda fully disappeared you ran off to find Natasha "Mom?! Mom!" You called, unaware of your own fate that was coming, Natasha ran towards you when she saw you, hugging you "Are you alright?" She asked worriedly "No..Wanda, she turned to dust in my hands.."

Natasha stared at you, her eyes widened when taking notice of your arms turning to dust, you too noticed and panicked, throwing yourself into Natasha's arms crying "Mom, I'm scared. I don't want to leave.." You cried "I know, I know.."

You eventually turned to full dust, blowing away I'm the wind, as Natasha stared down at her hands, covered in the dust of her daughter... That's when Natasha finally cried once again...



You watched Thor from the other side of the field, sprinting then jumping up, you landed in a group of the aliens, electricity flowing through you around the aliens, electrifying all of them, taking them down. You looked up to Thor who gave you a thumbs up, you nodded, as he went over to you.

"Let's destroy Thanos!" You shouted excitedly, Thor nodding in response, launching himself into the air, flying (I'm guessing lmao) off towards the forest, you following behind him.


Thanos snapped, then fell back into a portal he opened, you started at Thor confused "Where'd he go?" You asked, "I don't know." Thor responded, eventually, the cries of the Wakandian warriors from the battlefield startled you and Thor, you thought there was something going on. When the cries died down, you started at Thor "Is this-? Is this the end..?"

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