Stupid/Fun Stuff you two have done

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Steve walked into a Marco's, yelling "I don't pay you all to slack around! Get to work!" As he walked behind the counter knocking a menu on the floor, scaring everyone, you walked into a pizza hut and did the same, except you missed the counter and hit the floor. The employees still remember that, and still give you and Steve four extra slices of pizza everytime you two visit.


You somehow convinced him to take you to Walmart and ride in the shopping carts, you ended up flipping over in one in front of the manager.

You and Bruce were trying to out smart one another in the lab while Tony watched, you ended up blowing up something while Bruce and Tony laughed at you. You later got revenge by spraying them with the hose.


You and Clint had a argument about which was better, Chocolate or Vanilla. In a parking lot. With megaphones.


You and Natasha built toilet paper forts in Walmart, scaring the customers as they walked by. Walmart couldn't ban ether of you since your Mom was an Avenger and Tony was funding that Walmart for their repairs.


You convinced Thor to dress up in the T-Rex suit and run into a home depot with you dressed as a hunter, holding a net that was clearly to small, yelling at him to come back to you, along with yelling at the customers to either get out the way and be carful or try to get them to help. In the end, you had two employees and fifteen customers running with you.

Ris(Aka me):
You and Ris went to cosplay conventions, comic cons, Anime conventions, and Expo's, playing the violin and flute covers of the characters Theme song.


You and Vision would confuse people, you'd turn invisible and he'd start scolding (he wouldn't yell at you even if it was a prank Vision is best Dad) you, to you two it was funny but from the other people's view, it looks like one of the Avengers has gone insane ._. and all they do is watch not knowing how to help.


Whenever your in a store with Bucky and there's something high up you ask him to lend you a hand, and without a word he'd remove his metal arm and hand it to you, scaring the crap out of people around you two, and magnets would out of no where start flying towards his arm.

So this came to the conclusion as to why you we laying on the floor in Walmart laughing while Bucky ran away from magnets holding his metal arm, you had that part planned.


You and Sam dressed up as birds and went to a dog park.

It didn't end well.

You two were chased by four packs of dogs and a bunch of angry dog parents running after their dogs.

I mean at least you guys were on TV. And the Press loved it.

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