Chapter Six: Icecream

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P-"Can you just look at your phone?"

Violet glared at Aasim. "Omar's gonna yell at me,"

"Really, at this point, your notifications are more distracting," Omar sighed, Violet shaking her head and unlocking her phone.

"What is it?" Tennis asked eagerly, glancing over to see her screen.

"Marlon sent me a snapchat..." She noted, opening the app and tapping on the purple square, waiting for the video to load and turning up her volume a bit. Immediately, she was met with Clementine sat on the couch, legs going off screen to the right.

"Trappin' out the backstreet
Runnin' through the packs like a track meet (zoom)"

Clementine was then yanked, presumably by the feet, to the right and off screen. The boy's giggled afterwards in the video, ending with a mad scream from Brody and a crying Clementine.

"They're gonna kill her..." Violet sighed.

"I'm surprised you've stayed this calm," Aasim hummed, Violet glancing up to him from her phone.


"Your girlfriend is a toddler," He noted, shrugging calmly. "You guys are all over each other all the time, and now you can't be. You haven't gone insane yet. This has to be a world record for you," He half joked, Violet frowning.

"Yeah. Well. It's not going to last long..." She grumbled, looking back to the screen and watching the next video Marlon had sent her. This time, it was Clementine sitting on the couch, Wendy's fry in hand as she nibbled on her food.

"Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark!"

Then, it moved to Brody sitting right next to Clementine, glaring at Marlon as she sipped her drink.

"Marlon, turn it off-"
"-Mommy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo-"
"-Im serious-"
"-Mommy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo-"
"-Stop it!"
"Mommy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo, Mommy shark!"

Then, Brody throwing something at Marlon, cutting the next line off with his scream.

"Oh boy," Tenn laughed, Violet sending him a glare.

The next video was a close up of Marlon's face, causing both Violet and Tenn to cringe.

"We're gonna have Clem recreate iconic vines. Love you, don't kill us!"

Then, a video with Marlon stomping on the tile as he ran up to Clementine.

"...Ma'on!" "No! You were supposed to say daddy, Clem," "You Ma'on," "Ugh,"

More videos.

"Alright Clementine! Go!" "Gimme your fUCKIN, MONEY!"

"Hey Violet, we're taking Clem to the park to recreate more vine-" "-SQ'RL!" "Clementine, don't chase the squirrel!" "Oh, shit,"

A video of Clementine falling off the firepole.

Clementine giggling as Louis tickled her while she sat on the rocking toy, only to be scolded by Marlon for "not following the script".


Her eyes snapped up to meet Tenn's, heart sinking into her stomach.

"We're here, cmon,"

A shaky breath escaped her lips as she clicked her phone off, unbuckling her seatbelt and opening her door, stepping out of the car and shutting the door behind her.

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