Chapter Five: Cars

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“What are you doing?” 


Louis grinned, furrowing his eyebrows. “What now?”

Clementine giggled happily, smacking her hands on on several keys and creating a garbled mess of music. “P’ano!”

Louis huffed, shaking his head in amusement. “Scoot over, watch this.” He advised cockily, Clementine scooting over and nearly falling off in the process. Louis’ hands moved over the keys, a harmonious rhythm echoing through the air.

Clementine hummed excitedly, pulling her hands back to her chest and watching in awe. Louis definitely liked this Clem better. No telling him to shush or to stop playing; even if she did cry every time he tried to give her a hug.

“Oh, god, Louis, you were supposed to be entertaining her, not torturing her,” Mitch remarked, Brody and Marlon walking in behind him with a bag of food each.

“I am entertaining her! Is this fun Clem?”

Clementine nearly nodded, only to further tuck her arms away in her chest. “I’ Vi…”

Brody frowned, setting her bags of food down on the counter and picking Clementine up. “She’s almost at the boardwalk, I promise….She’ll be home before you know it.”

“I’un’r now…” Clementine whimpered, getting a frown in response.

“Hey Clem,” Marlon started, hands on his hips as he walked over to her. “Why don’t we go drive, huh? You wanna drive?”

“I drive,” Clementine nodded, wiping off one of the tears from her cheek. Brody grinned at her, turning to Mitch.

“Where’d you put it?”

“On the deck,”

Brody huffed a laugh, walking towards the back door with the boys in tow. She moved Clem onto her hand to hold her as she opened the screen door, leaving it open and trusting that one of the boys would close it after they got outside. Immediately, she was met with said car.

There, in all its glory, stoody a tiny red camaro, Clementine’s hand reaching out for it. Mitch and Marlon laughed behind them, Louis chuckling somewhere amongst it as Brody set Clementine down in the car. “Be. Careful. Okay? Vi is gonna get really really mad at you if you hurt yourself,”

Clementine frowned. “I no want Vi mad,”

Brody nodded, placing her hands on her hips, similar to how Marlon had only minutes before. “Mhm. Then don’t crash it, okay?”


Brody barely had the time to grin before Clementine had taken off, going right for the stairs before any of them had time to stop her, and driving off. Granted, it was only two stairs. This meant that Clementine landed nearly perfect, giggling as she drove through the grass..

“Oh jesus christ,” Louis laughed, Marlon and Mitch enjoying themselves way too much. Brody simply gave them a scolding look, hopping down the stairs and quickly following Clementine.

The toddler had made her way around the yard, over the sideward, and was now currently driving along side Marlon’s car to the front of the house.

“Where ya’ goin’, Clem?” Brody prodded, peeking over the side of the car as Clementine kept her eyes in front of her.

“I go get Vi.”

Brody’s heart sank. “What…?”

“I go get her.”

Brody frowned, speed walking to catch up with her. “Clementine, you can’t go get her. She’ll be back soon, okay?”

Clementine whimpered. “No! I see Vi now!”

“Clementine,” Brody warned, sighing and quite literally yanking Clementine out of the toy car and into her arms.

“I go see Vi! I see now! Now!”

“No, Clementine,” Brody scolded, the boys curiously peeked their heads around the side of the house.

“I want to…” She cried, smacking Brody’s back when the auburn haired girl lifted her over her shoulder.

“I know. You have to be patient, okay? If you hit me again she isn’t coming home.” She really, really shouldn’t have said that.

Of course the whole group knew Clementine and Violet were close. They were practically joined at the hip everytime you saw them, even before they had started dating. But toddler Clem was a force to be reckoned with, and apparently one with good lungs.

“I see Vi! I’un’er!”

“Clementine, stop,” Brody scolded, getting a louder scream in response.

“The neighbors are gonna think we fuckin stole a kid,”

“Technically, Brody did,” Marlon laughed, Brody nor Clementine finding it the least bit funny.

“Marlon,” “-what! You stole her out of her car.” He laughed, neither of the five noticing another car pulling up in the driveway.

“I’ VI!” Clementine cried, smacking Brody’s back again.

Louis cringed, practically shrinking up. Not only was Clementine now pissed, but it was very obvious Brody was getting pissed too. Afterall, being smacked upside the head and having a child scream in your ear wasn’t exactly the best thing in the world. To make it even worse, on top of all of that, Violet was going to be mad. They had gotten her girlfriend so angry she was crying; it didn’t matter that she was crying over her, just that she had felt the need to shed tears.

“What in the lord’s name are y’all doin’...” Ruby cringed, eyes squinted as Clementine let out another scream.

“Clem’s throwing a tantrum because she can’t go see Vi.”

Ruby turned to Louis, furrowing her eyebrows. “Whaddya mean? Where’d they go?”

Mitch shrugged, hearing Brody open up the door and carry the child inside. “After you left in the middle of the explanation, Omar figured out it was probably that weird fortune lady at the boardwalk. Aasim, Tenn, Omar and Vi went to try to get her to reverse it. We haven’t heard anything from them, but you know how Omar is about other people being on their phones while he’s driving.”

Ruby sighed. “Yeah, alright…” She glanced at the three boys, before gesturing to the door. “Well le’s go try ta’ get her to calm down,”

Mitch only nodded, running past Ruby and picking up the camaro, before quickly following behind the group and back into the house.

“Stop screamin’!” Brody pleaded, only getting another cry.

“Brody, I don’t think that’s going to help,” Marlon advised. If looks could kill, Brody would’ve put Marlon six feet under.

“Let me try,” Louis prompted, Mitch shutting the door behind them and setting the car down. Louis glanced briefly to the crying Clementine who was sat on the floor, only to reach out and grab her legs, softly pulling her around. “wwwEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-EEE~!”



Clementine giggled amongst her tears, humming softly as Louis continued to pull her along the wood floor very enthusiastically. Mitch and Marlon slumped their shoulders, watching with looks of disbelief.

“Vi’s gonna kill y’all,” Ruby shook her head, closing her eyes and walking into the other room.

“I am so done...I need to use the bathroom,” Brody grumbled, too getting up and walking through the hallway.

Louis turned to Clementine with a smirk, looking up at Marlon. “You have your phone?”

“Always, why?”

“I wanna send Vi a video…”

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