~ Do YOU want to follow that Yellow Brick Road? ~

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~ Do YOU want to follow that Yellow Brick Road? ~

Well, every scriptwriter has got to start somewhere, right? Perhaps scriptwriting is not art. YOU can also discuss it is not a sandwich but a strong imagination, and the art academy begs to differ. Scriptwriting is a sandwich.

Scriptwriting, also known as screenwriting, is the art of writing a story in a particular format that filmmakers will eventually use as a blueprint for filmmaking. When you write a script, you can write whatever you wish. It is all at your fingertips.

A script follows patterns and guidelines. These patterns give the cast and crew the ability to imagine your world as its own without thinking too hard about it. It also allows the director to glimpse what you picture and decide what angles to shoot in or if something may need to be changed or rearranged from its original scripted form.

Your idea can come to life if you let it. It's all about how you apply it to paper. In the following chapters, I will discuss the correct format you should script and compose to produce a big Hollywood film and the tools you need to pitch your text correctly, so sit back, relax, get #studying, and be ready for Hollywood. Let's follow that yellow brick road.

I write scripts, B****ES!Where stories live. Discover now