She bit her bottom lip as fear struck her, she jumped back a little as she felt a small anxiety attack but thought of it as only her fear of heights. 'Why is this so difficult? Isn't this what I wanted? I hate how my life is and everyday I wish it was different!'

She took a deep breath and got up again to face the edge of the building once more, she looked down and felt her body tense at the fear but she felt like she was okay now. After some negative talk and persuasion, she felt like she could do it now. Maybe if she just thought she'd get up after falling she wouldn't feel so bad. She felt like her head was racing, full of dirt and scrambled. She felt like she needed a nap.

Her heart raced as she slowy moved closer to the edge and sat upon it. 'This is okay, right?' She thought, the thrill and adrenaline of not falling but being so close felt ... insane. She's never faced her fears, well, at least to this extent where she'll never have to face the fear again.

Her stomach took flips making her fear grow and grow, she breathed in and out with shaky breaths that would get stuck in her throat and halted her breathing momentarily.

She finally got the courage to try and stand on the edge. She peeked a little to see if she could see the apartment complexes glass windows, but to her dismay she took the tiniest wrong step, and fell.

She felt the world clashing down onto her, the wind so fast and cold on her body. The way she felt like she would hit the ground in no less than a second. This is what she wanted, right? So why is she crying as she looks at the sky while she falls?

I'm the blink of an eye she felt herself impact into something, not hard, but rather soft? Or comfortable. This isn't how death should feel? Or should it?

She decided to open her eyes, when she did, she felt her breathing stop for a second. Why can she still see the same black and white colors? She felt herself get angry at the thought that she was still here. She was still on the roof of the building, how the hell did she get back here? Didn't she just feel something soft? Did she dream she fell? She felt like she was going to loose her mind.

She looked around but there seemed to be no one in sight, she seethed at the thought it was that stupid Spider-Man who did it.

She stood up and walked over to the edge once more, with the confidence to jump and completely end it but before she could do anything else her hands was being yanked back.

She turned around and saw Spider-Man holding her back with his webs. "LET ME GO" she yelled and kept using her strength to try and break free. "N-NO" Spider-Man yelled back and finally dragged her onto the ground.

"YOU FUCKING STUPID DUMB FUCKING RAT" she yelled, as she was dragged onto the ground by him. He found thar insult rather absurd, it almost made him laugh.

The dragging came to a halt and she took that chance to get up and run, maybe he would be caught off guard if she suddenly did this.

But in an instant she was pinned down by her arms to the roofs ground, again.

"LET GO" she yelled once more and struggled to break free from his arms. She had never thought heroes would care this much, 'don't they get paid for this type of shit?'

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" he yelled at her and stared at her features. He felt as if he had seen her before, do they go to the same school? No, it possibly couldn't be.

He knew what she had done but he couldn't help but think she was beautiful, why was it someone this pretty was trying to end their life?

"JUST LET ME GO AND I MIGHT AS WELL TELL YOU" she yelled and tried kicking him. In an instant he got off her and webbed her hands and feet down, this way, they could talk without the risk of her trying to run.

Monochrome Heart | Peter Parker [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now