This was something Kelly missed, like when she was in school and would talk his ear off about who was walking slow in the hall or sitting in her seat in class.

"So what you say to her cause I know you had to have did something."

"I politely told her to turn around and take her broke ass back home." she told him calmly.

Laughing he pulled into a IHOP parking lot.

"How did you even know if I was hungry or not."

"Yo ass always hungry, every hour of every day."

"Did you just call me fat." she shot back.

"Wha-no man, get yo ass through this door." he slightly pushed her.

After being settled in a booth Jay made sure to tell Carter where she was before pictures start to circulate.

"Soo Mr. Oubre, how is the married life going for ya."

"Its good." he answered glancing around the restaurant.

"Can't be too good since you popped up on the kid, wifey big time slackin'."

"I can't kick it with my first baby mother." he asked in a chuckle.

Jay shrugged slightly. "I probably wouldn't allow Carter to kick it with his first baybeh mother but that's just me."

"Why not." he asked as their drinks were sat on the table.

"Cause." she shrugged again. "Never know if thea' is still feelin's in the air."

Watching closely as she bit on her straw he sighed.

"And if there is, then what."

Turning her attention back to him she replied. "You don't think that's bad."

He shook his head. "What if things ended on a confused note."


"Meaning." he thought then shrugged. "I don't know but what if somebody got shot and somebody else got married in Vegas."

"I strongly hope that you're talking about someone else and not us."

He stared at her as she looked everywhere else but his face.

"I miss you." he finally admitted.

"Don't do that." she replied fast.

"Do what, be honest."

She sighed. "Don't tell me that's why you pulled up on me."

Kelly shook his head staying quiet. "Forget I said anything."

Noticing his mood change it started to make her upset.

"The fuck are you getting mad for. We both agreed to break up right."

"We never agreed Jaycean, after I got shot you up and left, fucking around with yo other baby father."

"I wasn't fuckin' round with anyone. I made numerous attempts to contact you after I was banned from the damn hospital. You was the one that got yo ex pregnant shortly after."

"You got married shortly after." he semi-yelled back.

"I wasn't in my right mind. I'm sure yo ass was well aware of what the fuck you were doing."

Waving her off he glanced around seeing people staring in their direction, some even had phones out.

"And another thing you spoke up about getting back with her way before I said anything about Carter."

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