"Oh!" Alfred laughed, "look who's *hic* talking!"

He continued drinking his whisky, so drunk that he was beginning to hear things.

"Oh shut it, Alfred, I don't understand how Victor could even love you."

"Because he cares f-for me you s-stupid doll!"

"Seriously? That's your excuse? You raped him, made him cry, and left him alone in the hospital after he almost died."

"S-shut the h-hell up! *hic* you're just an inanimate object!" Alfred cried, storming out of Mystery's bedroom with tears in his eyes.

"That doll doesn't *hic* know what he's talking about!?"

He slumped onto the couch, continuing to drink. After five minutes he had finished the whole bottle. He flipped it over, checking if there was any left. Only one drop of whiskey fell out, causing Alfred's face to contort into a scowl.

"Well shit! What the fuck am I supposed to *hic* drink now!?"

He fell off the couch, suddenly overcome with dizziness.


He felt his eyes drooping closed, passing out all of a sudden.


It was the next day when Alfred woke up with a headache.

"Ah, my head... how long have I been asleep...?"

He rubbed his eyes with a yawn, looking around to see where he was. Once his vision was clear enough, he realized that he was on the living room floor and slowly stood up, his limbs feeling sore.

"What the hell happened?"

He noticed the empty bottle of whiskey where he had left it next to him. Suddenly he was overwhelmed with shame. He bent down to pick it up, extremely disappointed in himself.

"I must've been drinking. Damn, good thing Mystery wasn't here."

He threw the empty bottle of whiskey into the garbage and sat back down on the couch, his head pounding. He grabbed his phone from his pocket to check what time it was, annoyed to see that it was dead. Feeling frustrated, he threw it to the edge of the couch and looked around the room. He felt a bit sick, the smell of whiskey still clinging in the air. He decided he didn't feel like getting up to charge his phone, so instead, he just sat there, staring at the ceiling.

His head was pounding, made worse by a loud knock on the door.

He didn't feel like answering it; His headache was really killing him, so he decided to just ignore it. In response the knocking grew louder, annoying the dog who still sat stubbornly in his place. When it grew quiet he sighed in relief, thinking that the visitor was gone, only for the noise to resume again.

"Leave! Come visit another time!" Alfred shouted, ready to snap.

The knocking continued.

"For the love of- don't you understand? Get off my property!"

The person didn't silence their efforts until the man begrudgingly stood to answer the door.


He fixed his hair a bit before opening it, stunned to see Rex standing on the porch.

"Rex!? W-What a surprise! I'm very sorry, I thought you were someone else," Alfred mumbled in embarrassment, causing Rex to giggle.

"Who did you think I was?"

"I don't know, a stranger probably."

Rex nodded in understanding, letting the other know that he wasn't mad.

"So, what brings you here so early in the morning?" Alfred asked.

Rex furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "what do you mean? It's one in the afternoon."

The dog's eyes widened in surprise. He couldn't believe how long he had been asleep.

"Ah, sorry... I must have slept in."

"Oh," Rex said, "how come?"

"I uh, went to sleep really late, that's all."

"Okay. I just wanted to check on how you and Mystery are doing. Speaking of Mystery... where is he anyway?"

Alfred looked down with a frown. Rex noticed the change in his demeanor, promptly asking, "did I say something wrong?"

"No you didn't, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"Mystery is still in the hospital and it hurts that I can't do anything about it."

"I understand, but Mystery is healing, you need to give him time."

Alfred smiled slightly, "Yeah, I guess you're right. I just need to be patient."

They looked at each other for a moment until Alfred stepped aside to let Rex in, not wanting to be rude.

Rex smiled as he entered until the strong scent of whiskey hit his face. His lips pulled into a tight line.

"What's with the look?" Alfred asked.

"Have you been drinking?"

His face visibly paled. "No?"

Rex glared at him, knowing that he was lying.

"Alfred, I'm not stupid," he said, sitting down on the couch. "Come on, take a seat."

Alfred walked over warily, carefully sitting down beside him.

"Tell me, why are you drinking all of a sudden? I thought you stopped when Mystery changed. Why are you doing it again now?"

Alfred sighed, "I guess... because of the accident. I feel like I've been losing my mind."

Rex reached over to hug the other man gently. "Please visit us next time instead of drinking. You know Mystery would be disappointed in you if he knew."

"I promise."

They smiled at each other for a couple of seconds before Alfred tilted his head in confusion.

"Hey, where's Kao?"

"He's at the mall. He told me that he's getting me a special surprise."

"I think I should do that too, for when Mystery comes back."

Rex smiled, "aw, that's so sweet."


Alfred had already been at the mall for an hour, struggling to find a gift for Mystery, when he suddenly bumped into someone. His eyes widened in surprise, recognizing who it was.

End of Chapter 15

Words- 1467

Can't Stop Thinking About You (Alstery)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now