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Alfred walked downstairs to see Yuki in the kitchen. He took a deep breath and continued towards her.

"Hey Alfred, what happened back there?" She asked with a concerned look.

"Meh, don't worry about it," Alfred shrugged in response.

Yuki frowned, "Okay?"

Alfred sat down at the table, continuing to drink the coffee he had abandoned when he went to check on Mystery. It was a bit cold, but he drank it anyway.

A few moments later, Mystery walked down with clean clothes and a towel held in his arms.

"Well look who's finally taking a bath," Yuki gestured towards him.

"Yeah, well I don't want to smell bad when I meet up with Rexy or Goat Friend," he explained.

"Hehe, alright then," Yuki smiled, then turned to Alfred.

"Hey, who's Goat Friend?" She whispered to him.

"Oh, that's just Kao, I don't know why Mystery calls him that," Alfred replied casually, leaning against the counter.

"Oh, okay, good to know," Yuki turned away.

Mystery walked into the bathroom, turning the water on so it would be warm enough. He put the towel on the counter along with his clean clothes. Then he took off what he was wearing and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water run down his back.

"It's been a while since I took a shower..." he mumbled to himself, "and it's about time I decided to wash my hair as well."

He laughed to himself, remembering the time Alfred found an insect in his fur. The man had screamed like a little girl.

"Haha, that was pretty funny," he said, grabbing the soap to wash his hair. He tried his best to untangle the knots in it.

"Damn, this is harder than I thought," he frowned.

He could see dirt and a few insects fall to the floor of the shower.

"Huh, it really has been a long time."

He then realized that he had no more soap on his hands. He grabbed for more and scrubbed his hair one more time before finishing.

"Finally!" He sighed as he grabbed the body wash to clean the rest of his body.

"Ooh, it smells good," he said, squirting some of it into his mouth. He immediately spits it out.

"Pleh! That tastes disgusting! Why do people use this if it tastes so gross?" He tried his best to remove it all from his mouth. "Whatever."

He continued to clean his body, including his tail.

After twenty minutes, Mystery had finished cleaning himself and turned off the water. He walked out, feeling the breeze through his fur. His bare feet felt cold against the bathroom tiles. He made sure to thoroughly dry himself off.

"Ahh, feels good to be clean again!" He sighed in relief.

He put the towel on the counter and grabbed his clean clothes. He put his boxers on first, then his pants, and finally his fancy collared shirt.

As he left, he grabbed his dirty clothes and towel, dropping them into the laundry basket.

"Someone looks good today," Alfred said when Mystery walked out of the bathroom.

The cat just laughed and left for his bedroom. When he got there, he looked at himself in the mirror. He picked up his brush and attempted to get some of the tangles out of his hair. After twenty-five minutes, he finally managed to get them out, but not without a lot of complaining about how much it hurt his scalp.

Can't Stop Thinking About You (Alstery)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now