Chapetwr 2

213 11 0

As I climbed down the ladder I lost my footing while I climbed down the ladder and I fell! Thump!! I hit the floor. As I sat up I relizixed I wasn't in my backyawrd aneymore. " huh?" I sat up and rubbed the back of my head. " where  am I? " I finally decide to stand and take a look around. " Ow... my head sure hurts..." I sighed and looked up. I was in front of a nice garden. " ou this place is pretty " I comment. "Huh?" I heard a familiar voice speak. A blonde boy peaked up from a bush. " Finny?" That familiar face.. those lovely ocean blue eyes.. " uh how'd you know my name??" He asked taken aback. " you're on my favorite show ever!! " I reply excitedly and run over. " show? What's that? "He askes rather confused and a bit freaked out. " it's something that plays on a television— ohhh you won't know what that is!! Duh silly me!" He looked at me blankly. "  uh..."
" hehe! Sorry!! " I giggle and smile at him. " is something the matter?" A second familiar voice asked. Around the corner I saw sensation in all his glory! " SEBAARION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I squeal. He looked at me " now who are you, lovely lady? And why on Earth are your dressed that like that?" I look down at myself " o-oh I'm from the future or a different universe I guess. " Sebastian stared at me " uh, please come inside miss and I'll get Mei Run to fix you up. " my face lit up. My biggest dream was coming true!! I'm so happy to be here! No mom no dad no school no nothing!!


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