He Finds Out You're Pregnant ( His POV)

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It was a Monday night and Y/N was at work still. I decided that I would be nice and clean the bathroom so that way when she got home, she wouldn't need to do anywork. As I was cleaning the counter, I notice that something fell on the floor, so I went to pick it up, and when I did I noticed that it was a pregnancy test. Not just any kind of pregnancy test, a positive one. I thought to myself, why would Y/N keep this from me. I suddenly hear the door to garage open and close and a pair of keys dropped into the bowl on the counter. I hear y/n calling out my name, but I'm so in shock that I don't answer. I hear her climb up the stairs and hear the bathroom door open. I turn to her, and she sees that I'm holding the positive pregnancy test, she immediately runs out of the room and then grabs her keys, and goes out to her car. I follow her and go into my car. I'm right behind her, and I'm confused as to why she would run away. She parks her car and gets out, and runs into the park. I park and do the same thing. I look everywhere for her and can't seem to find her, until I hear what sounds like her voice talking. I quietly creep and see that it's blonde wavy hair that I absolutely adore. I stop when I can hear what she is saying. She says, " I can't believe I was so stupid to think that maybe this would be a good thing for the both of us. I just thought that he would like the idea, but I guess I was wrong." She kept rambling on and on, and I decided that now would be the time to tell her that I love the idea of us becoming parents. I sit on the bench, and pull her into my lap, and told her that I would love to have a baby with you. She looks up and asks if I'm being serious. I tell her that I am dead serious and that I love her very much. She kisses me and then we head back to our cars and back home. I'm super happy that I am able to have a child with the love of my life.  


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