Chapter 10 "Mink"

Start from the beginning

Aoba: Here cx. *hands you a bag*

You: *takes the bag* Thank you Aoba!  *opens it* Oh cool!! *takes it out* It's a bunny pillow!! *0* I love it! Thank you!

Clear: *hands you a medium sized box* Here (Y/n)! *smiles*

You: *takes the box* Thank you Clear! *opens it* Oooh! A jellyfish plushy! Cute cx! Thank you again!

Clear: *smiles happily* I'm glad you like it!

Aoba: *looks at the time* We should get going (Y/n). Don't wanna be late.

You: Right! *smiles and takes the gifts upstairs* One sec! *you grab your inhaler and head back down* Ready!

Aoba: Okay, we'll be off. Thank you for coming over guys. *bows his head*

You: Thank you! *bows your head as well*

Koujaku, Clear, and Noiz stand up and head out. Saying their goodbyes as they leave. You smile at them and look at Aoba. Aoba smiles at you as he heads out with you, locking the door behind him. You and Aoba head to the junk shop. You both arrive and you look at the shop.

You: Heibon? Cool!

Aoba: It's not much but I'm sure Haga will let you work here. He needs the extra help. *enters the shop*

You: I just hope I don't mess up. 

A bald man walks over to you guys and greets you both. 

Haga: Aoba! Nice to see you early this time. *jokes* Ah and who's this?  A girlfriend of yours?~ *teases*

You: *blushes lightly* It's not like that! *shakes head and arms frantically*  

Aoba: *laughs nervously* Actually she's just a friend of mine. Haha. Her name is (Y/n). But she is looking for a job here. She recently moved in to Midorijima and has no family so Grams and I took her in. We were hoping if it's okay if she works here, I can train her and help her around the shop. Plus we could use the extra help.

Haga: *blinks and thinks for a bit* Hmm well... Alright. I don't see why not. *smiles* Make sure to train her well okay Aoba? I'll be in the back doing inventory. Call me if you both need anything! *walks away*

You: *nods* Thank you sir! *smiles*

Your thoughts: 'I can't believe it! I got my first job already! Wow!'

Aoba: Well, allow me to show you around and how everything works. *smiles* We're basically customer service. We answer calls, sell at the front desk, and we do deliveries as well. 

You: Wow, sounds easy enough.

Aoba shows you the basics of the shop, things that need to be done as he checks the computer for any delivers. He sees one.

Aoba: Looks like we have a delivery. I'll go ahead and take it, you keep watch of the shop. 

Just as he was getting ready to leave, a group of at least 6 people walk in to the shop and buy some parts. Your eyes widen as you sweat drop.

Your thoughts: 'It can't get worse right?'

It did get worse, because three noisy kids came in running around the shop. Yelling and horsing around.

Aoba: *sweat drops* Um. How about you deliver the package? I can handle this. *laughs nervously* Use your coil to lead you to the address so you don't get lost.

You: *nods* Okay. *takes the package* I'll be back fast! *runs out*

You run to the address that you put in on your coil while Aoba tends to the shop. You get closer to the north district and the streets were getting bad. You blink as you look around.

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