No More Dream

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Cautious:(Mature content +18)
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I awoke several hours later. My head had cleared somewhat. I thought about Jimin and Shua while I readied myself for bed. I needed to take stock of where I stood on this whole thing. Here was a woman giving me permission to sleep with her husband. She'd been sober—at least from what I could tell. She wasn't asking me to carry on a lurid affair. Just sleep with him. Have sex with him. She didn't say how many times. Just once? Twice? I got the impression that this could be a long term thing if everything fell the right way, and she would be OK with it. I didn't think once would be so bad. I mean I'd had sex before, and sometimes with people I hardly cared for at all. Maybe that was what was scaring me. Shua had said Jimin loved me. As hard as it was to believe, what if she was right? I mean, if we made love once and that was it, wouldn't that cause more harm than good? I mean I didn't love him, at least not that way.

Did I?

I thought about this man. I'd been enamored with him from the first meeting. He had an incredible personality, a great sense of humor, a gentleness and sweetness. He was funny, kind, confident. I felt all those things way back. I even thought he was attractive. He had great eyes, an adorable smile and just a generally attractive face. Physically, I wasn't really, REALLY attracted to him, at least not at first. I mean, given time all his other qualities might have changed that, but I mean, who really falls for a patient? Wait, that seems shallow. Don't answer that.

I slipped into bed in my panties and oversized t shirt as my mind drifted back to last week, when I first saw Jimin in the office again. He was still a cute guy. Broad shoulders that tapered down to his waist. I could see his muscles rippling beneath his shirt. His face had become more chiseled. And those small strong hands. What had I felt then? Picturing him in my mind made my heart beat harder. There was no doubt about it. With all those qualities he had, you know those qualities that were most important when you really love someone, he now also had sexy. This, as I saw it, was pretty important if your whole objective was just to sleep with a guy. I could definitely imagine looking up into those dark, chocolate eyes as he drove into me. My heart fluttered. I closed my eyes, and pictured his strong arms holding his weight off me, his hips moving. I felt the fluttering move down to my sex. God, I think I'm hot for this guy. I abandoned all decorum. I mean, I was in the safety of my own home, in my own bed, by myself. What harm could there be? I ran my fingers down between my breasts to my belly, uncovered my belly, and drew gentle circles around my navel. I began to picture it all in my mind. Feeling his strong hands over my small breasts, I imagined tracing my fingers across the muscles of his back and arms. He placed his mouth over my nipples, pushed his length into my pussy. I slipped my hand down inside the front of my panties and felt the wetness that had formed on my lips. I dipped my fingers in, soaking them before beginning to caress my clit. Images of our bodies merging flooded my brain and my pussy. I felt the familiar stirrings in my womb. I began to climb higher and higher, moving towards my peak. I bucked my hips and my caressing became frantic and sporadic. Suddenly I exploded, waves of orgasm crashing over me again and again. I rode the pleasure until my clit tried to escape my caresses, then I let my muscles relax. I inhaled deeply, trying to catch my breath.

Oh, my, I thought to myself. I must have been really horny. I took my hand from my underwear, pulled the covers up to my chin and rolled on my side. I needed to sleep. I obviously couldn't think straight. I mean, I was actually seriously considering this.

The next day, I worked my ass off. I did anything I could to take my mind off the offer on the table. It didn't work. What was I so afraid of? This was just sex. Let the man take care of his needs, get a little pleasure yourself, walk away. What was wrong with that? Because Shua doesn't want you to walk away. And she doesn't think Jimin will want you to, either. Was I ready to commit to a relationship with a married man? Did I want to be with someone who loved another more than me? Shua wasn't asking for a relationship, though, was she? Just sex.

That night was a repeat of the previous night. This time, I just climbed into bed with a t shirt, without panties. I figured no reason to soak another pair. In my fantasy, this time I was on top, and Shua was watching us. I came so hard that my muscles ached. I made up my mind as I drifted off to sleep. I would do this. I guess I'd always known I would. I had reservations, of course, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I figured I might as well go for it. At worst case, I get to have sex, which is a good thing in my mind. At best case, I get to have sex more than once, which is even better.

I awoke the next day, a Saturday. I lay in my bed, unable to convince myself to move. I finally sat up and rubbed my eyes. The smell of my pussy was unmistakable, and the feeling of lust began to swell in me again. That was what I needed to spur me into action. I went to my dresser and flipped through my papers until I found the note with the Parks' number. I took a deep breath while I waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello. Park's residence." It was Ajumma.

"May I speak with Shua, please? This is Y/n."

"Just a minute." I waited nervously, twice thought about hanging up.

Shua's voice came on the line. "Hi, Y/n."

Where to start? I just decided to blurt it out. "Let's do this. Start talking before I chicken out."

Shua began to cry. I could hear the sounds through the receiver. I wondered if I'd said the wrong thing. "Thank you, Y/n," she forced through her tears. "Thank you. I don't know how I can ever repay you." Finally, she composed herself enough to tell me her plan. Jimin's birthday was in a week. She wanted to give him a birthday present he'd never forget. Me. We talked about commitment, and she assured me that I was free to walk away from this at any time. We worked out the particulars and prepared to hang up.

"You sure you still want me to do this?" I asked.

"There's no doubt in my mind," she replied.

I waited for more, but nothing came. I laughed, trying to sound relaxed. "This is where you are supposed to ask me if I still want to do this."

Her voice was calm, assured. "I don't have to ask. I know you do."

"How do you know?"

"Because you love Jimin, too." She hung up, leaving me speechless

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