Epilogue: "A Very Sweet Ending Please."

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"You hurt me too, you know!? I was dead!" I stood up. "You hear me Azula!? You Killed me!" I yelled on the top of my lungs. I didn't care if anyone heard. "All I've done was for you, all I've wanted was for you! And what do I get? Lightning in my chest for protecting my sister!" I still held the bars, becoming angry, I could feel so much heat rising in my fingers.

"Kyo..." Azula whimpered, still not looking at me. Instead hiding her face. Was she crying?

I paused, immediately regretting getting mad at her.

"...I'm sorry." She chocked with a sob. I wanted to hold her, comfort her. But there was always something keeping us apart.

"I never meant to hurt you!" She suddenly stood up and faced me.

It looked as if she had been crying for hours, her eyes bloodshot, nose red, and her cheeks were wet with fresh tears.

"I'm... sorry. For once in my life I'm sorry!!" She clenched my hands on the bars, as strong as ever, yet I could feel them trembling. "I can't think of anything else but you!"

I couldn't hide the relief, I smiled, looking at those sparkling ember eyes. Someone I never wanted to see cry.

There we where, two enemies, not knowing how to feel. I didn't want to be mad at the Princess. And she didn't want to fall in love. Yet there we were. I always wanted her, and she never wanted anyone.

"I..." She breathed through the sobs. "I've never felt anything like what I feel for you." She tried desperately not to cry, biting her lush red lips. "I... L-love you." She let out one more cry, holding my hands tight.

"I knew you'd come around, Princess." I smirked through my tears, she finally admitted it.

Through the tears she let out a small laugh. I think she was happy.

I leaned my head on the bars, so did she.

I let my vision get blurry from tears, and saw it fall to the floor near Azula.

We were finally complete. A feeling I hadn't felt before. She was my everything, and finally having her meant eternity.


No one undersood why Kyo can't remember anyone but me and Azula. Maybe it was because he was almost killed, I don't know, but what I do know after the war we both found what we longed for.

I became the first earth kingdom colonial to be a fire nation general. And first Fire Lady of course.

After the war and all the peace treaty's, things began to heat up a few years later at Yu Doa, Aang wanted to keep things the old way, but sometimes there is no going back, and we had to fight over it.

After that Zuko began the search for his mom, taking Azula out of prison and naturally Kyo came along. I must admit I had a hard time not bitting her head off. But I got over it in a few years.

You know Smoke & Shadow, you know the one, the one that really made you feel bad for the Fire Nation in general. Well that never happened. After that it was peaceful in my new home Nation, except the South Pole, Zuko and I went for some negotiations and got attacked. You know... the usual. Life.

Kyo *sigh* Kyo is a whole other story. He disappeared for over three years with the Fire Princess. Leaving me without a brother, but he and Azula came back.

He told me he and Azula got married, bought a house in the upper levels of Ba Sing Se. Three years he was away he had a daughter, reminded me of Kyo a little, and a son just born.

Chronicles of Avatar ||Azula X OC - Zuko X OC||✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora