Chapter 4

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"So, what can I get you two?" The bartender asked, leaning on the counter so he was only a few centimetres away from the Fred's face, and the said singer could have sworn that his heart were about to jump out of his chest.

"I'm not with him," Freddie replied quickly before the man next to him could say anything.
The bartender raised his eyebrow at the rushed reply and looked over at the man who seemed to grumble something incoherent before shifting seats to the other side of the bar.

"Alright then," chuckled the bartender, once again locking eyes with Freddie.
"What's your name?" Freddie asked suddenly, looking absolutely starstruck.
Once again the bartender chuckled, "You're a strange one, you know that?" and for a moment Fred panicked that he may have come across as weird, but his worry was quickly dismissed with two simple words, "I'm (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)," Freddie repeated, liking the way the name felt on his tongue, "I'm-"
"Freddie. Freddie Mercury," he was interrupted by (Y/N) who smiled brightly at the other man.
"You're a fan?"
The bartender shrugged in reply, "Isn't everybody?" (Y/N) smile shifted into a smirk as he lifted an empty glass towards the other, "What's your poison, rockstar?"
Fred had always been hesitant about fooling around with people who recognised him. You'd never know their true intentions, and the simple thought of intimate parts of his private life being leaked to the public made his head spin. Yet (Y/N) seemed different. He wasn't trying to suck up to Freddie, he didn't treat him any differently, and Fred had come too far to not even try with (Y/N).

"Tequila sunrise, please darling," Fred answered, desperately trying to regain his charm after he had just spend the past five minutes looking at the bartender as if he had seen a ghost.
(Y/N) nodded and started fixing the singer his drink.

Despite the blaring, upbeat music and chatter of the few men in the bar, the silence that fell between the two of them felt deafening. For a moment Freddie contemplated on giving his prepared speech to the man he had been looking for right there and then, but the usually confident and flamboyant Freddie Mercury that the world knew suddenly seemed to develope a case of stage fright.

"Is it always this busy?" Freddie joked to the bartender, trying to snap himself out of this awkward mood he was in. Alcohol would help, everything would be fine as soon as he got his drink, he was sure of it.
(Y/N) glanced around the bar. He could count the amount of customers on one hand. "Sorry to disappoint, Mr. 'I drink tequila sunrises at 5 o'clock so I can be home for my 10 o'clock bedtime.'" He retorted quickly, and Freddie suddenly felt the excitement of meeting (Y/N) rush back to him.
The celebrity placed a hand over his heart in mock-hurt, "You wound me."

The two of them shared a laugh before (Y/N) spoke again, "Most guys come for a drink after work. Give it half an hour or so and this place will be packed."
But Freddie didn't care about any of them. The most handsome man could walk through the door any minute and Freddie's eyes would still be glued to (Y/N).
"Anyway," the said bartender slid a drink across the counter towards Freddie, "One tequila sunrise."
Fred paid for the drink before taking a rather large sip, which in actuality was much more like a gulp.

"Where are you from, (Y/N)?" The singer asked, unable to fight the grin that spread on his lips.
(Y/N) was slightly suspicious of the man's interest in him, "You'd be a great contestant on 20 questions."
That was the chance that Freddie had been waiting for, "I guess you could say I like to take an interest in beautiful people."
The bartender shook his head at Fred's smooth remark but chuckled anyway, "fab," he grab a dirty glass as he spoke to the singer and began cleaning it, "Well, I'm from (H/T)."
"Really? I never would have-" Freddie was cut short by a man standing at the bar who had started snapping his fingers at (Y/N) to grab his attention.

"Excuse me a minute," (Y/N) hesitantly rushed over to the man to make him a drink.
Once the bartender was preoccupied with somebody else Freddie took that chance to practically down his whole drink in one go.
If he really wanted this to go anywhere he would have to step his game up a little.
Freddie looked over at (Y/N) only to see him pouring a round of shots for the man he was serving and his friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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