Chapter 1

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London, June, 1976.

"Well, the meeting starts in ten minutes, Freddie," Brian's frustrated tone chimed over the telephone.

"You better get your bloody ass down here!" Roger's voice now rung in the background, and Freddie couldn't help but to roll his eyes at the sound of it.

The lead singer had just spend the past ten minutes ranting to his band members about his driver's car breaking down due to the extreme summer heat and they still didn't seem to get it, it was almost like talking to a brick wall.

"Look," Freddie started, speaking firmly, but in reality seeming him sit on a dramatically flamboyant-looking loveseat, telephone in one hand and stroking one of his beloved cats with the other, he really didn't look as threatning, but luckily the others couldn't see this over the phone, "I'm not the one who caused this heat wave, so how could I possibly be to blame for this?"

"You should have already been here by now," Brian retorted, earning a scowl from the man on the other end of the phone, "We're wasting time by even talking about this, just get the underground over here as fast as-"

That earned him an outraged gasp before he could even finish his sentence.

"The underground? In this heat? You can not be serious!" The singer huffed. London was currently experiencing one of its worst heatwaves to date. Getting into a stuffy metal box underground with fifty other people was basically suicide. Besides, Freddie has very much gotten used to the luxury of being driven around.

Before the guitarist could even respond to that Roger had already grabbed the telephone off him, earning a concerned look from the waitress who had allowed them to use the resturant's telephone. "Stop being diva and get over here. Now." And with that the drummer hung up the phone, leaving Freddie with only the steady 'beeping' of the disconnected tone and a bunch of retorts running through his head that he would pettily say the blond once he would see him.

But, he supposed there was really no avoiding it, the bands manager, John Reid, claimed that the interview was important after all.

So, after a only a moment more of sulking, Freddie gentely pushed Romeo, the adorable ball of fluff that had been curled up beside him, further to the side, getting up to check himself in the mirror.

The rock star ran a hair through his wild locks of hair and fixed the collar of his lemon coloured shirt, un-doing just one more button, revealing probably just a bit too much of his chest, but hey, it was roasting outside and Freddie was more than willing to embrasse the rare British weather as much as he possibly could.

"Goodbye, my lovelies," His voice echoed through the apartment for all of his four legged babies to hear as he grabbed his keys and a pair of sunglasses before he left the apartment.

Really, taking the underground couldn't be so bad. The public transportation system was fairly quick, and Freddie would only have to change stops once, besides, the entrance to the underground was more or less right in front of his doorstep.

So, trying not to suffocate on the barely breathable heat, he made his way down the steps of the Kensington high street station.

Since Queen had become more and more popular, the band had ran into many instances of their members being recgonised, and sure, it was the most euphoric feeling to Freddie to have thousands of fan screaming for him while he was on stage, but in public it was much different. However, he would have to admit, it was always amusing to him how fans would gap at him like a fish if he started to make casual conversation with them in everyday scenarios.

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