Chapter 2

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"Sorry I'm late," Freddie greeted absentmindedly before plopping into the only spare seat left at the table the rest of his band, manager, legal consultant and a stranger who he assmued they having the meeting with sat.

"Nothing new," Roger muttered under his breath, but the singer didn't ahve the energy to respond, all the things he rehearsed in his head to say to the blond when he arrives long forgotten, instead he now slumpped in his seat like a deflated balloon, lazily taking off his sunglasses and placing them on the table

"Now then, shall we begin?" John Reid, their manager, asked to which their lawyer, Jim Beach (Though Freddie had alwys insisted on calling him 'Miami Beach), nodded sharply. 

And so the man who Freddie had not yet been introduced to started to speak about an 'exciting buisness oppertunity', finally explaining that his name was... Robert Branson? Randy Branson? No, it was Richard Branson!

Yeah, the lead singer really wasn't listening to the conversation very much, he was far too busy thinking about those beautiful (E/C) that he swore must have placed a spell on him.

"Sorry about that," The phrase repeated itself in Freddie's head like a broken record.

"Fred?" John Deacon spoke up, pulling the singer back down to earth.

Freddie looked around to the other men at the table as if he had forgotten where he was.

"Were you even listening?" Brian asked, not afraid to call his bandmate out.

"Of course, I was, don't be perposterous!" Freddie snapped at him dramatically.

"So... You'll do it?" Richard asked, to look on his face told Freddie that he was definetely hoping for a yes out of him, his eyes were basically pleading for a yes. Freddie's eyes, on the other hand, revealed that he in fact had not be listening and had no ide what was going on. "The free event in the Hyde park?" Richard urged on, sensing just how lost the singer really was., but when he was still recieving nothing more than a blank look his voice became more exasperated, "The Concert?"

"Uhm, hold on one second," Freddie politley told him before turning to the bass player beside him, trusting him more not to snap at him than Brian or Roger, "What concert?" he whipsered to John, as if the rest of the men couldn't hear him simply because the singer was shielding his mouth with his hand.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Roger snapped, shooting out of chair and letting the piece of furniature screech along the wooden floor of the resturant before grabbing Freddie by the shirt and dragging him to the nearest secluded area, which just so happened to be the men's bathroom, without saying another word.

Brian followed after them, while John muttered a quick apology before joining them too, leaving Reid and Miami to smile nervously at the buisness man on the other side of the table.

"Alright, what the bloody hell has gotten into you?" Brian asked as the door shut behind them, once everybody was inside the rather expensive looking bathroom for their very unofficial band meeting.

"I'm just a little distracted..."

"No shit," Roger replied to Freddie's explanation, shaking his head.

Freddie gave the blond a sharp glare.

Noticing that the two were probably about to have a screaming match, John urged Freddie to explain further, "Distracted by what exactly?"

The expression on the singer's face changed quickly, now looking a little softer, the smallest of smiles on his lips, "I met this man today, and-"

"Jesus, what? Are you fucking twelve years old, Fred?" Roger interrupted him, and this time Freddie's glare was much more threatening than the last one.

"Well forgive me in believing in true love and not being able to jump from partner to partner without any attachment." Now that was a low blow, and the drummer was ready to punch him for it.

"Alright, alright, calm down ladies," Brian stood between the two, stopping the fight before it had even started, "I'm sorry, but Roger is right, you can't just zone out during an entire meeting just because of some guy you talked to, it's just-"

"Well, we didn't technically talk..." Now it was Freddie's time to interupt, "I mean, he talked to me... Kind of... He apologized for bumping into me, even though we both bumped into eachother more or less, and then the tube doors closed," For a millisecond, Freddie realised just how crazy he must sound, but it didn't change his mind about the situation, "But he had these amazing (E/C) coloured eyes that won't leave me alone, and (H/C) hair-"

"You just described half of London," John critiqued Freddie's description, "Do you even know his name?"

"No," Freddie visibly deflated at that, "But there was something special about him, and there was music playing!"

John, Roger and Brian all shared the same puzzled look.

"Well, what do you plan to do, Fred?" Brian asked, "You don't know this guy's name, your description of him is far to vague and there's seven million people living in London! You're probably not going to find him again."

The singer averted his eyes to the ground, questioning whether they may be right, maybe there's just no way for him to see this man ever again and he would just have to accept that.

"Unless you plan on getting on the same tube every single day in hopes of finding him again," John chuckled, but his laughter quickly died down at the stern looks Brian and Roger gave him.

"That's it! It's perfect!" Freddie shouted loud enough for the people outside the bathroom to probably get the wrong idea of what's happening in there.

"No, Freddie, that's a ridiculous idea," Roger tried to reason with him, but the flamboyant rockstar was already hugging John tightly, placing an overdramatic kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you, my friend," Mercury beamed at John who looked as if he was currently reconsidering all of his life choices.

After letting go off his bass player, Freddie felt as if the newly formed plan had cleared his head.

"Well, what are you all standing about for?" He asked, strotting over to the bathroom door, "We have a meeting to get back to."


A/N: Ok, so I wasn't really too sure about publishing this tory, but I have a lot of good ideas, so I've decided to do it anyway.

Please note that the whole Hyde Park concert will come up again later on in the story, and yes it was a real event originsed by Richard Branson, feel free to look it up.

I'm hoping to have chapter 3 up soon and I promise the next chapters will involve more of the reader. I just love writting long build ups and slow burns, so be prepared for that.

Also, please excuse any spelling mistakes. This PC doesn't have English auto-correct, so I'll check the spelling later.

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