Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-
The next day Freddie began his search to find the beautiful stranger.

The singer hadn't slept much that night, he was awake for most of it planning out exactly what he would say when he sees the man again. Being the hopeless romantic that he is, Freddie had even memorized an entire speech.

Despite the lack of sleep, he really didn't feel tired in the slightest, as the singer started intensely at his living room clock he was far too busy focusing on leaving at the exact time as he did the day before to even think about sleep.
His mind kept playing a scenario in his head where Freddie would find the stranger on his first try. They would lock eyes, and the stranger would smile, revealing that he had not been able to get Freddie off his mind either, and his search would have the fairytale ending he could only have hoped for.

However, when Freddie got on the exact same tram that day just as he had the day before, he would soon be disappointed.

Fred tapped his foot to an improvised beat in his head, when the tram soon pulled up to Piccadilly station, completely pulling the singer out of his thoughts as he quickly jumped to his feet and pushed his way to be the first person out of the doors.
He desperately scanned the crowds of people entering the underground for the beautiful stranger that he had been looking for, but when Freddie couldn't spot him the hopeful smile that he hadn't even known existed on his face until now disappeared into a worried expression. Worried that maybe he was only fooling himself, worried that he won't find the stranger, but most of all worried that he is supposed to find the stranger and he is failing.

Before the singer could even catch himself doing it, Fred turned sharply on his heels and once again found a space in the crowded tram.
Perhaps the stranger was here and Freddie had simply missed him, he just had to be sure.
But after stepping on a few people's feet as he walked from one end of the cart to the other, he concluded that the stranger was nowhere to be seen.

Fred felt as if a black hole had opened up in his stomach when he got off at the next station, taking the tube back home.
It was unreasonable for him to expect to find the stranger just like that, but yet the singer felt severely discouraged all of the sudden.

The seat underneath him felt even more uncomfortable than usual on the way home.
And was the underground always this loud?

Everything around him started to feel like too much, so Fred closed his eyes and thought back to. why he was doing this in the first place;

That man.

There was just something about him. Something he hadn't felt before.
Even meeting the love of his life and now ex-fiancè, Mary, hadn't felt the way that it felt to look into those man's eyes.

He couldn't give up on that. Not yet.
So, the singer promised himself to try again tomorrow.
And that is just what he did.
And again the day after.
And the day after that.
Sometimes taking the underground two or three times just be really sure.

But he never had any luck.

On the seventh day Freddie admitted defeat.
He couldn't keep doing this. Not only were Brian and Roger starting to make fun of him, but the whole band were meeting to record a new song to next day. The singer was given no choice but to give up.

When the tram pulled into Piccadilly, Freddie slowly inched his way out of the train, barely even trying to look closely for him anymore.
He simply glanced through the crowd, yearning to see that beautiful pair of (E/C) eyes, but his search ended with yet another disappointment when the tram doors slammed shut and started to roll out of the station.

The singer stood still for a moment, unsure of what to do next. His feet simply carried him above ground to the busy streets of Piccadilly.
The sun was still peeking over London's buildings, but if it were winter time it would definitely be dark by now.

Freddie found himself walking down a familiar street towards Soho, London's gay scene full of gay bars and handsome queer men, and figured getting shit-faced would most likely be a good way to keep his mind off things.

The bars weren't too busy yet, but would bound to be filling up within the next hour or so. So Fred absentmindedly wandered into the first rainbow coloured club he saw, only sending a half-hearted look over his shoulder so see if anyone was looking.

Desperate for a drink now, Freddie headed straight for the bar, planting himself on one of the stools before collapsing his head onto the bar unit dramatically. It was pretty clear to see that he had a rough day, yet the bartender was nowhere to be seen to pour him a drink.

"Need some cheering up?" A man had appeared in the seat next to Freddie, a mischievous smirk on his face.
Freddie looked the man up and down. He was nothing special really, and the singer decided that it was too early and he he needed to be far more drunk to take up the man's offer.

"I need a drink," Freddie finally replied, turning his head to try and find the bartender.
"What got you in such a shite mood then?" The man asked, ignoring the fact that Freddie was clearly not interested.

"I spend the past week searching for a man whom I made brief eye contact with," Freddie laughed dryly, figuring there's no harm in admitting it out loud, "Needless to say I didn't find him."

"Ah, well, plenty more fish in the sea, eh?" The man laughed, but Freddie couldn't bring himself to join him.

"Where is this bartender?" Fred grumbled, becoming frustrated.

"Sorry about that, had to fill up on some stock there," a third voice now joined their conversation and Freddie froze on the spot.

That voice.

Snapping his head up to see that the bartender had now appeared, only the wooden bar separating them, Freddie's suspicions were confirmed.

It was him.

The stranger who he had been looking for standing directly in front of him, warring a bartender uniform, only a wooden bar separating them from eachother.

He had found him.


So, this took me a lot longer than intended, but as soon as my Christmas break was over I found out that I had a psychology mock exam which determines whether you'll be allowed to sit the real exam, so I was busy studying. But I passed, so it's all good now.

While doing research for this I discovered that Soho wasn't actually a massive gay scene in the 70's, most gay bars were in the city centre and Soho became "The gay scene" in the 90's. But hey, this is a Wattpad Fan fiction, so please ignore my historical inaccuracies.

Anyway, feedback is always appreciated.

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