Start from the beginning

Turning back to Stefan and noticing his outstretched arm, he grabbed it with his own, shaking to confirm and validate their peace accord of sorts. Shortly after Stefan walked away, throwing a thankful smile to Olivia, he noticed the tribrid's own lips upturn into a perfect smile and suddenly agreeing to Stefan's proposal was completely and utterly worth it.

"I forgot to thank you for saving me last night," Mason told her. "I know that silver doesn't affect wolves but you didn't have to do that... so thank you."

"Seems like people have been thanking me a lot recently, you especially." Olivia mused playfully. "So you really don't hate me after last night?"

"I don't think I could even if I tried." He told her and despite the light-hearted edge to his tone, sincerity lingered behind each and every one of his words. "Besides, was my declaration of how amazing you are not clear enough."

"Yeah, I'm just not used to hearing someone call something so broken and screwed up amazing." She answered earnestly.  "And then there's the fact that we're supposed to be sworn enemies...  A vampire and a werewolf. Not the two you'd assume to be friends." She replied with a playful smile.

"Luckily, you're not exactly a vampire then." He whispered lowly so anyone listening in or intruding on their conversation wouldn't be able to hear. Olivia smiled softly whilst Damon, who was doing exactly as Mason suspected, rolled his eyes bitterly.

"What the hell is she doing?" Damon muttered to Stefan. He couldn't stand the wolf and as soon as he was alone with him, he'd finish what he started the previous night. He hated how smug and happy he looked right now but what he hated more was that Olivia was acting similarly; smiling and laughing at what he was saying...

"I guess they're friends," Stefan answered with a subtle shrug. He didn't particularly mind too much as if they were close, it ensured she would keep him in line.

"Friends?" He scoffed back. "She's going to get herself killed." He sneered, glaring over at them as Mason placed his hand on the tribrid's arm.

"Tyler is really lucky to have you," Mason told the girl earnestly.

"Yeah, I know." She joked back making them both laugh before their conversation continued. They just generally talked about themselves and their lives ⏤ excluding anything regarding Olivia's tribrid identity due to them being in public.

Mason found himself unable to stay away from Olivia, no matter how hard he tried. However the closer he got to her and the more he opened up, the guiltier he felt knowing that he was lying to her and was working with Katherine. He hated betraying her and he internally questioned if he was doing the right thing; not just by working with Katherine but for what he was intending to do about the Salvatore brothers right now.


Mason and Olivia's progressing conversation was briskly interrupted by a certain Salvatore, approaching them and standing beside Olivia as he playfully yet provokingly placed his arm around her shoulders. He faced Mason with a thin cold smile on his lips, greatly contrasting from the irritated glint casting shadows over his piercing blue irises. "You two look like you're having fun," Damon remarked, the thin cold smile 

"Well, we were..." Olivia began, looking back up to Damon with a small smile. "Right up until now." She finished making the Salvatore smirk.

Mason rolled his eyes, growing progressively annoyed by how close their faces were to one another and the lingering gazes they maintained on each other's eyes. "Is there something you want?" He asked Damon impatiently.

𝐌𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, Damon Salvatore [under editing]Where stories live. Discover now