Chapter 10: Help Arrives

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Quickly, Werewolf Cookie rushed behind the sour-jelly bushes, hoping not to be noticed by any Jelly Walker. One thing he noticed about the monsters was that they always travelled in groups, meaning that winning a battle against a mob would be impossible. One or two he could take on, but not an entire army of them.

He needed to reach the Legendaries' palace and alert them about the Jelly Walkers. The last time the monsters invaded, the Legendaries took action immediately, taking down every last one before the situation got out of hand. But for some reason, they didn't seem to be responding to anything at all this time.

A large gate appeared over the trees, and Werewolf increased his speed. As he ran, he looked up at the sky. The moon wasn't shining tonight, unlike any other day. That was odd, considering Moonlight never missed a day in her job, unless something happened to her...

Werewolf skidded to a stop in front of the entrance. The lights in the windows shown through, yet there was no movement in the palace. He also noted that the door of the gate was wide open, showing no sign of being forced through.

Cautiously moving through the gate, Werewolf made his way to the door of the palace. That too, was open. He poked his head through the opening, and grimaced at the sight.

The table in the conference hall was ransacked, with the vases tipped over and flowers spread over the tablecloth. All the chairs were also either knocked over or completely out of place. Adding on to that, there were pink stains of juice all over the room.

"What the heck happened?" Werewolf whispered to himself. He slowly walked up to the table and inspected the room.

The Legendaries had to be somewhere, right? Maybe they were hiding from somebody...

Werewolf continued circling the room, searching for any possible clues to the Legendaries' location. Finally, he noticed a trail of leaves descending a flight of stairs.

That must be Wind Archer, he thought with hope. Maybe I'll find him down there?

Rushing down the steps, Werewolf followed the leaves and came to a wooden door. Quietly turning the knob, he peered into the room. What he saw next shocked him to the point of no words. Sea Fairy was a frozen statue in the middle of the room! Worst part was, her eyes were still darting frantically, searching for help. When she noticed, Werewolf, she closed her eyes with relief.

"What happened to you, Mistress Sea Fairy?" Werewolf asked, walking towards her. "Who did this?"

Sea Fairy motioned her eyes towards the wall. Werewolf turned to the wall behind him and saw... an arrow, stained with green jelly!

"This can't be happening," Werewolf thought to himself. "There's no way the Legendaries got taken out already... unless it was an inside job."

He turned back to Sea Fairy and asked how he could free her. Sea Fairy then blinked "mirror" in Morse code, and Werewolf rushed around the room, trying to find a mirror. Finally, he spotted a small hand mirror and picked it up, walking back to Sea Fairy.

Placing the mirror in front of her face, Werewolf waited for something to happen. There was flash of bright lights, and he squinted his eyes. When the lights faded out, Sea Fairy was back to normal!

"Thank you, Werewolf," she said with gratitude. "Without your help, I would have never been able to leave."

"You are welcome, Miss," Werewolf replied, slightly embarrassed. "But why does a mirror free you, though?"

Sea Fairy narrowed her eyes.

"It was a certain spell that froze me this time," Sea Fairy answered. "It has nothing to do with my curse. Because of that, a mirror is the only way to free me."

"Whose spell was it?" Werewolf asked nervously? "Why would someone do this?"

Shaking her head, Sea Fairy responded, "It was wrong of Moonlight to trust Dark Enchantress again. She brought Wind Archer over to the Dark side and poisoned the Millennial Tree."

She peered back over at the purple roots of the tree, and sighed.

"But thanks to you, I am now able to help bring the others back. Thank you."

Lifting her pearl dagger, waves of water began swirling around Sea Fairy's body.

"Do me one last favor, Werewolf," she began. "and warn all the others. I have a feeling that this is not the end of Dark Enchantress's plans. For now, I will try my best to enter the Human world."

With a huge tidal wave sweeping over her, the water disappeared and Sea Fairy was gone.


Gingerbright looked up to see Gingerbrave and Angel descending from the sky.

"Guys!" she announced. "Gingerbrave is back with Angel!"

The rest of the gang scrambled out the cave and cheered. However, when Gingerbrave landed, he was not a very happy person.

"Everyone," he began. "some others are in trouble. They sent me back here to tell you all about their group, so I have to go back immediately."

"I cannot carry more than one person," Angel bowed apologetically. "I am sorry, we must find another way to enter the woods without encountering the Jelly Walkers."

"Jelly Walkers?!" Skater exclaimed. "I thought those were taken down by the Legendaries a long time ago!"

"But... how can they be back?" Strawberry said nervously. "It has to be somebody who has access to them..."

Black Licorice seemed awfully quiet. His eye was turned to the floor, expression serious.

"What's wrong, Licorice?" Gingerbright asked.

"In the last great Cookie War... Pomegranate used them to fight on her side," he answered grimly. "I have a feeling that this is her doing as well."

Angel gasped with fear.

"Oh no!" Gingerbright cried. "Does that mean the ones outside the forest are in danger, too?"


Grabbing his baton fearlessly, Gingerbrave announced, "Then we must get going! We have to help them before it's too late!"

Everybody nodded in agreement, and rushed into the trees. Before he followed along, Black Licorice looked into the distance.

"Watch out, Pomegranate," he said darkly. "Once you get into this fight, I'm not on your side."

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