Chapter 8 - Have You Seen My Childhood?

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Have You Seen My Childhood?

3 weeks later….

"I want you to meet my parents," Michael said as he barged in the door of Amanda's apartment.

It was Saturday and Amanda was finishing up her household chores with Bad turned all the way up in her stereo.

Michael came closer to her, "Amanda, can you turn that down?"

"Yeah," Amanda screamed back at him over the sound of Dirty Diana, she turned the stereo off, "What'd you say?"

Michael took a deep breath, "I want you to meet my parents."

Amanda wiped the sweat off her forehead and propped the broom up against the entertainment center, "I don't know Michael, I kind of don't want to meet your father after what you've said about him."

"He's just a grouch, it'll be okay. You can hold my hand the whole time if you'd like. I've got your back Amanda," he said sincerely.

"I know, but I just," she stopped and sat down next to Michael on the couch, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Amanda took a deep breath, "What if they don't like me?"

"They will like you. What's not to like, your beautiful, talented, funny, smart.."

"I'm not any of those things Michael, they won't like me," Amanda said looking towards the window.

"Hey," Michael said, "You don't know that."

There was a silence for a few seconds until Michael decided to speak again, "We can stay at Havenhurst for a few days, it'll be like a vacation."

Amanda sighed, "What's Havenhurst?"

Michael laughed, "It's the compound my parents live on. So, what do you say?"

Michael flashed his infamous smile, how could Amanda possibly turn him down, "Alright I'll come, but I won't like it."

"Thank you," Michael said kissing her quickly on the lips, "I'll pick you up at seven, have your things packed and ready to go."

Michael hopped up and Amanda followed him to the door, "Bye Michael, see you soon."

"Bye Amanda, love you," Michal said kissing Amanda on the lips one more time.

"I love you too, Michael," Amanda said shutting the door behind him.

She finished cleaning her apartment, called in and told her mom she was taking a few vacation days, and packed her things for the not so fun trip.

Seven came sooner than she expected, she sat on the couch with her luggage all around her, Michael walked in the door of her apartment, "Ready to go?"

"Sure," she said not looking forward to meeting his father.

Michael helped her carry her bags out to his car and they made their way to Los Angeles.

Michael pulled into a huge compound and parked in the driveway a few feet from a fountain, Amanda looked around in amazement, "This is where you grew up when you came to LA?"

"No, we moved here about eight years ago," he said turning off the car and opening the door.

Dinner that night was like a police interoggation for Amanda, she had been uncomfortable all evening and just wanted some alone time.

Michael lead her to his private wing of Havenhurst where she spent some time alone while Michael went to talk to his parents.

"Did you like her Mother?" Michael asks as he walked into the study where his parents were sitting.

His mother turned around and smiled, "She's wonderful, I hope you stay with that girl."

Joseph turned his chair around to face Michael, "Have you slept with her?"

"That's kind of personal, Joseph," Michael said nervously.

Joseph slammed his hands down of the desk he was sitting at, "Answer me boy, have you slept with her?"

Michael took a deep breath then looked down and spoke quietly, "Yes."

Joseph stood up and came in front of Michael, "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? I don't want you slepping around with that girl anymore, she's nothing but trouble."

"I think that's up to me Joseph," Michael said storming out of the room and making his way to his private wing where Amanda was waiting for him.

He walked into his bedroom where Amanda was sitting on the bed reading a book, slamming the door behind him.

Amanda looked up from her book, "Is everything all right?"

Michael sat on the edge of the bed facing the window, Amanda crawled behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Joseph doesn't like you, but that's just like him. Mother thinks your wonderful," Michael said quietly holding back tears.

Amanda stayed silent and began kissing Michael's neck, "I still love you."

Michael turned around and layed Amanda down lying on top of her, "I still love you too."

"Its getting late, I think we should settle in," Amanda said looking at the clock, it read 11:34.

Michael brought Amanda's lips to hers and started out in a slow, wanting kiss.

She obliged and the kiss grew into a heated, passionate one, they sat up.

Michael wrapped his arms around Amanda's waist as he continued to kiss her, Amanda's arms were wrapped around Michael's neck.

"I love you," Michael whispered as he pulled Amanda's night gown over her head.

"I love you too," Amanda breathed as she unbottoned Michael's pants and ran her hands underneath his shirt.

She pulled his shirt over his head and stopped kissing him when she realized a big white spot on his chest, "What's this?"

She ran her fingers over it and Michael shivered, "Its my vitiligo, I'll tell you about it later," he whispered bringing Amanda's lips to his again.

He stood up and slid off his pants, when he sat back down he slid his hands onto Amanda's back and undid her bra clasp letting it fall to the floor.

He slid off her underwear and she did the same to him, he layed back on top of her and began a great night, Amanda moaned with pleasure.

Later in the night Amanda had somehow ended up on top of Michael thrusting back and forth slowly, he ran his hands all over her body, "Amanda, baby, that feels so good."

The door to Michael's room slammed open causing a hole in the wall from the doorknob, Joseph stepped into the room.

Amanda screamed and jumped off Michael in a desperate atempt to cover herself from Joseph.

Joseph grabbed Michael's arm hard and threw him in the floor, "Didn't I tell you not to sleep around with her, don't you listen boy?"

When Michael didn't reply, Joseph started kicking him in the sides with his heavy boots.

"JOSEPH STOP!" Michael screamed in pain.

Amanda layed under the sheet on the bed crying, covering her eyes fom the horror she couldn't believe she was witnessing, she was too scared to protest against Joseph.

Joseph picked Michael up by the hair on the top of his head and slammed him against the wall causing the pictues to fall.

Joseph procedded to punch Michael repeatedly in the face, ignoring the cries of pain and agony coming from Michael.

Michael leaned over and regergitated blood all over the wall and the carpet.

Joseph threw Michael's helpless, naked body from wall to wall.

Michael fell the the ground whimpering, half conscience wishing Joseph would just stop.

Joseph continued kicking him in the stomach and ribs while Amanda sat on the bed screaming and crying.

Michael stayed silent, all he could do was just lay there helpless exactly like he had done in his childhood.

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