Chapter 2 - The First Meeting

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The First Meeting

Year 1987

"Thank you, your order should be ready in three days," twenty-eight year old Amanda said as she hung up the phone.

She picked up her spray bottle and continued to soak down all the flowers in the display cases up front.

It was a beautiful day in San Diego, the sun reflected off the cars out front making her squint.

Her mom walked out from the back storage room, "Amanda, make sure you spray these roses, no one will want wilted roses."

Roses were the specialty in her mom's flower shop, a place she had worked since she was seventeen.

"Alright mom, I'll get to it," Amanda said looking up at the blue sky.

"I'm going to lunch and running a few errands, I'll be back this afternoon. Are you alright handling the store by yourself?" Her mom asked walking to the front door.

Amanda sighed, "Mom, I'm twenty-eight; I can take care of it."

"I was just asking. I'll see you later," Her mom said putting on her sunglasses.

"Bye mom, love you," Amanda said walking to the back of the store.

"Love you too," her mom said walking out of the store and getting in her car parked out front.

Amanda began to refill her spray bottle at the sink in the back, her thoughts drifted to when her mom first opened this flower shop, so long ago.

Year 1965

"Amanda, you're going to love the store I opened up, it's so pretty," Stefani said helping her six year old daughter in the back seat of her car.

They got to the small store right across from the beach on a pretty street.

"It's pretty out here, mama," Amanda said as she hopped out of her mom's car.

Her mom walked up to the front of the building where some guys were hanging the sign, "Make sure its straight boys."

Amanda took her mom's hand as she looked up at the huge sign, it read: 'Stefani's Flowers'

She walked in the front door with her mom and was amazed.

Different colored flowers were everywhere, she spent the next few hours exploring and playing in the store.

Her mom called it Amanda's very own jungle.

The ding of the front door pulled her out of her thoughts.

She wiped hands on her apron and walked up front, her best friend Lacey ran to the counter.

"You'll never guess what I just picked up at the radio station," Lacey screamed in her face.

"What?" Amanda asked.

Lacey took a deep breath then exhaled, "I just won front row tickets to the Michael Jackson concert tonight!"

Lacey waved the tickets in front of Amanda's face, "So?"

"What do you mean, 'So,' this is Michael Jackson were talking about. Remember when we watched Motown 25 four years ago. He's like the innovator in dance and music and that's your reaction to front row tickets to his concert that are way too expensive for us and impossible to get if you had the money," Lacey said almost all in one breath.

"I keep telling you Lacey, I don't really like him and I never have. You've always been the obsessed fan, not me," Amanda said walking from behind the counter and beginning to sweep.

"How can you not get excited about this, even if you're not a fan? I mean he'll be doing his hot dance moves right in front of us," Lacey said following Amanda.

"I don't know Lacey, I'm kind of tired," she said looking at the ground.

"Mandy, you hardly ever go out. You just work in your mom's flower shop all the time. I mean are you going to do this your whole life and never get married?" Lacey said making Amanda stop sweeping.

"I guess you're right, I mean what does it matter if I live a little for one night? I'll act like a crazy fan right with you, but I will not cry for him," Amanda said thinking of all the pathetic fan girls she had seen on MTV, she almost laughed.

"Yes, okay. I'll bring you a change of clothes, okay? I'll pick you up at 6:30, we can go have dinner before the show," Lacey said almost out of breath.

"That sounds fine; I just don't want to look like a stripper, okay?" Amanda said.

"Okay, nothing too revealing, I promise," Lacey said walking to the front door.

"See ya later," Amanda said putting the broom back in its place.

"Bye, Mandy," Lacey said as she walked out the front door.

Amanda walked back to the back to get her spray bottle; she began spraying all the roses like her mother had instructed her to do.

She heard the front door ding and looked up.

A tall man in black pants, a red shirt, and a black leather jacket was leaning against the front door panting.

He had on black Ray Ban wayfarers and his curly black hair was pulled back in a lose ponytail with a few lose strands framing his face.

His skin was a light cocoa color and he was about the hottest guy Amanda had seen in San Diego.

"Welcome to Stefani's Flowers, can I help you?" Amanda said putting on her professional voice.

"No, I just need to catch my breath, sorry if I'm bothering you," his high pitched voice was hidden by his heavy breathing.

"Can I get you water?" Amanda asked noticing the sweat rolling off his forehead.

"If you don't mind," he said slowly walking to the counter and sitting at one of the stools in front of it.

Amanda walked to the mini fridge and got a cold bottled water, she handed it to him and sat down on a stool behind the counter.

"Thanks," he said taking the water and gulping almost half of it down.

"I'm Michael by the way," he said smiling, she almost fainted.

"I'm Amanda, Amanda Thomas," she said.

"Amanda's a very pretty name, pleased to meet you. My last name's Jackson, by the way," he said taking Amanda's hand and placing a small kiss on it.

Amanda's eyes widened, "Wait, the Michael Jackson? The singer and dancer?"

"Yeah, that's me. I was just trying to get away from those crazy paparazzi and fans chasing me. Sorry if I'm bothering you. This is the last time I go walking without security," he said smiling again.

Amanda didn't want to tell him that she and Lacey were going to his concert tonight, because then he might ask her if she's a fan, then what would she do. Lie to the biggest pop star on Earth.

"I got to run, thanks for the water Amanda. I hope I see you around," he said coming around the counter and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

His delicious cologne lingered around Amanda as he pulled away, "I hope I see you too. Bye, Michael."

"See ya," he said before walking out the door.

She watched him walk away, then she touched the spot on her check, it was still tingling with excitement.

She turned around and leaned against the counter, she laughed at herself.

How could she be in love with Michael Jackson?

She only met him once; she pushed it aside and got back to spraying the roses, awaiting Lacey's return, so she could see Michael again.

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