Chapter 12 - A Familiar Place

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Bellatrix's P.O.V:

The next morning I woke up and changed into my tight black dress and corset. I fixed my hair and brushed my teeth. I felt bad for yelling at Hermione. I could see the fear in her eyes. The fear in her eyes reminded me of when I had first seen her at the Departement of mysteries when I didn't know who she was. Oh, what have I done to her? I should have known that she would still feel a little tender and jumpy around me from how she used to know me. I went to her bedroom and knocked on her door. "Hermione? Are you in there?" I asked. There was no response. I went into her room thinking that she might still be asleep or she might just be purposely ignoring me. I was leaning more towards the second thought. The sight that greeted me when I walked towards her bed and gently took the covers off, was not the sight that I expected. There was a bunch of pillows that I suspected Hermione put there as a decoy in case I came in and also so no one would panic. "CISSY!!!! CISSY!!! CISSY!!!" I yelled out for my sister. "WHAT IS IT BELLA THAT YOU HAVE TO YELL THROUGH THE HOUSE?!!!" My sister yelled back. "Sorry Cissy, Hermione is gone. There is a string of pillowcases tied together that goes out of her window and down to the ground!!! I am freaking out!!!" I said in a panicked voice. "Don't worry Bella, we will find her and if anyone has taken her, we will find them and I will let you kill them." My sister reassured me. "Thanks, Cissy." I said. I couldn't stop worrying though. 

Hermione's P.O.V:

I woke up at 5:00 am because I knew that no one would be up at that time, and also it would give me time to put pillows under that blankets in my bed so that no one would know I was gone and to tie pillowcases that I had asked the house elves to give me to tie them together to make a rope to climb down and escape to clear my head. I needed to get out of the house and have time to myself. I also needed to let out my feelings to someone that didn't live in Malfoy Manor. I know that I am still grounded, but I don't care. Mother can yell at me all she wants, but I will not waver or talk back or care. I knew who I could see. Snape! I decided to walk to his house. As I was walking, I heard footsteps behind me, but when I turned around to see who it was, no one was there. I had my hood on. I decided to ignore it and thought that I was being silly. Suddenly, hands covered my mouth and I fainted. I woke up in a dimly lit room tied to a chair. I was wearing a dress that was the same as my mother's black dress and corset. A figure was sitting on a chair in the corner. I couldn't see who it was as the room was very dimly lit. "Oh, I see you're awake Hermione Granger. Or should I say, Hermione Lestrange?" The person said. Wait a minute, no one called me Granger anymore. This person was obviously someone who knew me before I found out that I was a Lestrange. The person came into the light and I was shocked to see "Bill Weasley!!!" I was scared, but I was not prepared to show it. "Now, tell me where your family, You - Know - Who, and the rest of the Death Eaters are." He said in a threatening voice. "Why are you guys still going? I mean, Harry is dead, Ron and many others are dead as well. Just give up. You can't win." I said, annoyed that some of the Order was still around. "Let's see if a little bit of the crutiatus curse will loosen you up, to tell the truth, and the answer to my question." Before I could protest or fight back, he pointed his wand at me and yelled "CRUCIO!!!!!" I writhed in pain in the ropes that bound me to the chair and I screamed myself hoarse. He then stopped when Snape of all people put a hand on Bill's shoulder and told him to leave. I couldn't believe Snape was with the Order the whole time and was against Voldemort. If only I could reach the Dark Mark that was on my arm, I could call the other Death Eaters to come and help me. However, with Snape watching me like a hawk, I couldn't risk trying. "So, Miss Gran- Lestrange, why did you all of a sudden follow Voldemort when you found out who your mother was?" Snape asked me. "It is none of your business Severus." I hissed at him. He turned away for a second to pour himself some water. I tried to reach the mark, but he turned back around too quickly for me to touch the mark. "I see Volde- You - Know- Who has given you the Dark Mark and welcomed you into his top ranks," Snape said. "Yes Severus, he has. I am now as equally valued as my mother in his eyes." I seethed. I couldn't hold it any longer. I touched the Dark Mark with my index finger just as I saw Bill come in and Crucio me again. I then slipped into unconsciousness. 

 Bellatrix's P.O.V:

We were having our Death Eater meeting, and we were discussing Hermione's disappearance. "My lord, if she went out, she wouldn't be gone for this long," I explained. "I also know that no matter how upset she is with me for being angry at her, she wouldn't run away, and not come back," I said, on the verge of tears for the fear of losing my daughter a second time. Just as the Dark Lord was about to speak, everyone's marks started to move. That was weird, the Dark Lord wasn't calling us and everyone was in the meeting. Then it suddenly dawned on me. Hermione was in trouble and was calling for us to help her out. "My Lord, Hermione is in trouble and danger. We need to help her." I said in fear. "Bellatrix, Narcissa, Lucius, Draco, Theo, Fenrir, Dolohov and Rookwood, you are to go and rescue Hermione. She is one my most important Death Eaters, and she needs to be safe." The Dark Lord said. "Yes my Lord." We all responded. We apparated to where Hermione was. We treaded carefully and we were faced with a few Order members and we easily got throught them. I heard someone in a room yelling at someone else. "MISS LESTRANGE, PLEASE COOPERATE. TELL ME WHERE THE DEATH EATERS, YOU - KNOW - WHO, YOUR FAMILY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, BELLATRIX LESTRANGE ARE!!! CRUCIO!!!" I heard the voice of Bill Weasley yelling. I blasted the door in. "AVADA KEDAVRA!!!" I screamed and Bill crumpled on the floor and was dead. I quickly cut the ropes that bound Hermione with my dagger. I apparated home and I quickly ran into her rooms with her limp body in my arms. "Oh Hermione, what have I done?" I said while crying over my daughter's limp body. I climbed into bed with her and I went to sleep.

Until the Next chapter y'all please vote and comment. - Sorry for the cliffhanger

Thanks for reading - Gothellestrange


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