Chapter 7 - Torture Time!!!

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(Time skip): - Harry, Ron and Ginny are caught by Snatchers and taken to Malfoy Manor - Ginny's P.O.V:

Harry, Ron and I were running through the forest and we heard them gaining on us. I knew that we wouldn't be able to get away. I quickly fired a spell over my shoulder that hit Harry directly in the face. His face started to swell up, and he looked like he was in a great deal of pain. I also quickly changed my hair so that it looked similar to what Hermione's hair looked like before her transformation. It wasn't bushy though. The snatchers caught up to us and held out arms behind out backs and bound us in tight ropes. I closed my eyes in fear. A snatcher came up to me and he whispered in my face. "What's your name love?" He asked me. "My name is Hermione Granger," I said in fear. He then went to Harry. "What happened to your face?" He asked Harry. "Oh, I have really bad allergies to some plants in the forest." He said with a confidence in his voice that I wish I had right now. "What's your name?" He once again questioned Harry. "My name is Vernon Dudley." He replied again with confidence in voice. "That's strange, we don't have a Vernon Dudley on here. What house are you in?" He asked. "I am in Slytherin." He replied. "Hey, Scabior looks like we've caught ourselves a little Slytherin," Fenrir called out to Scabior. He then went over to Ron. "What's your name?" He asked Ron. "It... it's Stan Shunpike." He said trying to be confident. "Yeah, we know Stan Shunpike. You ain't him." Scabior said. "Ok, I think I have it figured out," Scabior said. "This one here's Ronald Weasley. Well, miss fake mudblood, you most definitely are not Hermione Granger, because she is now with her true family and is a Lestrange. That means that if that one is Ronald Weasley, then this is Ginny Weasley, which means that this one is the one and only Harry Potter. We've caught him. We're taking this lot straight to Malfoy Manor. The Dark Lord will be happy to see you three, especially Harry Potter."  Scabior said while dragging us toward Malfoy Manor. When we got to the Manor, Scabior pressed Harry's face to the big black, and I saw Bellatrix Lestrange look through the gates. I saw her gasp and her eyes went wide. "Bring them in!" She ordered Scabior. We were taken through the gates and were forced to follow Bellatrix. When we got into the Manor, we were taken into a large living room. In the room were the Malfoys, Bellatrix Lestrange, Hermione, Peter Pettigrew, the snatchers and us. I was very scared. Bellatrix grabbed Harry by his hair and told Draco to go over. "What's wrong with his face?" Draco asked. "Yes, what is wrong with his face?"Bellatrix demanded. "He came to us like that." One of the five snatchers said. "Ran into a stinging jinx." Bellatrix said with realisation in her voice. "Give me her wand, let's see what her last spell was." Bellatrix told one of the snatchers. "Ha, ha, I got you." She laughed at me while looking at my scared face. As she was walking towards the snatchers she gasped and her eyes grew wide in shock. She saw the sword of Gryffindor. "Where did you get that?" She almost whispered. "It was in her bag when we searched her." He said looking over at me. "I guess it's mine now," he said with a smirk. Hermione then stepped forward and fired a spell which made log black vine looking ropes come out of her wand and wrap themselves around the snatcher's necks. "GET OUT!!! GET OUT!!!" She yelled at them. Hermione had changed so much from how I knew her.  As much as I hated to admit it to myself and think about it, I now detested Hermione just as much as Ron. Harry still held out hope that she would change to what she used to be. We all knew she wouldn't though. Bellatrix then turned to Narcissa. "Cissy put the boys in the cellar!!!" She demanded her sister. She then pulled me away from Harry and Ron. I watched as Narcissa gave them to Pettigrew who put them in the cellar. My hair was still like Hermione's old hair. "I'm going to have a conversation with this one, GIRL TO GIRL!!!" She said with venom in her voice. I pressed myself up against the wall as I was scared of her. Bellatrix then called Hermione over. "I hate you so much you filthy blood traitor!" I said to Hermione with venom in my voice. "Well then, you'll be glad to know that I don't care what you, your brother the Weasel or Mr Potter think Weaslette." Hermione said with an equal amount of venom in her voice and a smirk on her face. She pushed me over so that I was sprawled out on the floor. Hermione then spread my arms to my sides and put the full body bind curse on me. Bellatrix then leaned over me and I felt her hair on my face. "That sword is supposed to be in my vault at Gringotts, how did you get it? WHAT DID YOU AND YOUR FRIEND AND BROTHER TAKE FROM MY VAULT?!" Bellatrix yelled. "We didn't take anything from your vault Lestrange." I seethed with confidence and hatred. "You're just paranoid for nothing. You actually think that the Dark Lord likes you? You wish. You aren't even remotely scaring me." I said with a confidence I didn't know I had in me. I couldn't believe that I just spoke like that to THE Bellatrix Lestrange. "HEY, WEASLETTE, DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK LIKE THAT TO MY MOTHER!!!" Hermione screamed. "CRUCIO!!!" She screamed again. I writhed and screamed in pain. The spell was extremely powerful. Even more powerful than what Bellatrix was capable of. "I hope that teaches you not to mess with my daughter, my family, The Dark Lord or me." Bellatrix warned. "Ha, you think that that will make my brother, my boyfriend or me scared. Keep trying Lestrange." I said, forgetting just how powerful and scary Bellatrix Lestrange could be. "Oh, Miss Weaslette, you just crossed the wrong witch." Bellatrix said in a dangerous voice that made me very fearful. "I don't believe that you didn't steal anything from my vault." She whispered. She then bent over my left arm and carved something into my arm with her dagger. I started to scream and there were tears coursing down my face. I heard her chuckle a little bit. "May this serve as a lesson not to cross me or my daughter." Bellatrix said in a mocking and venomous voice. The binding curse was taken off me, but I didn't have the energy to get up. I was also in too much pain. I could feel the blood from the scars of the words that Bellatrix had carved into my arm dripping down my arm onto the hard wood floor. "Such a shame to hurt the boy before he sees the Dark Lord. Well he will die when the Dark Lord comes. Unfortuantely, the same can't be said for this one." I heard Bellatrix say. It sounded far away as I was fighting to stay concious. I then heard commotion in the distance. Harry, Ron and Dobby had come to save the day. I felt Harry lift me up beneath my arms. Dobby grabbed us and we apparrated. I saw Hermione throw Bellatrix's dagger across the room towards us. The dagger came with us in the apparration. 

I knew that I would most likely come face to face with Hermione and all the others in the battle to come.    

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Sorry for the cliff hanger. Please vote and comment.

Until the next chapter y'all - Mothergothel90       

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