Chapter 9 - The Dark Lord's Plan

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Italics  = Speaking Through Thought/ Writing for Hermione to speak/ Nightmare 

Hermione's P.O.V:

Once we got across the bridge, I found Draco and together we ran into the battle. I was immediately face to face with Bill Weasley. "YOU FILTHY BLOOD TRAITOR!!!" He screamed at me. "YEAH, WELL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE NO BETTER!!! YOU GUYS ARE ALSO BLOOD TRAITORS!!!" I screamed back at him. We started to duel. I sent the killing curse towards him and he slumped forward, dead. "HERMIONE!!!" I heard someone yell in the distance. I instinctively held my wand in front of me, ready to curse the person who was coming towards me. "Hermione put down the wand. It is only us." I heard Draco's voice. I immediately put my wand down. "Sorry Draco, I am just a little jumpy," I explained. I saw Pansy, Theo, Blaise and Draco standing there. "It is ok Hermione," he reassured me. "Ok, let's just go and defeat all enemies of the Dark Lord," I said. We all ran into the battle and we fought person after person. Some were members of the Order and others were students. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" A devastated scream came from my mouth. I watched in horror as Ginny sent the killing curse towards Pansy and struck her. I felt hands come around my neck and start to try and strangle me. I pointed my wand towards the person and killed them. I turned to see who it was and I saw Fred Weasley on the floor, dead. I felt really bad, but then I remembered, I had chosen my side. I saw Draco and Theo run towards me. "Hermione ..." I faintly heard Draco call out before I fainted. I woke up a short time later, to Draco dousing me in water whilst muttering the aquamenti spell. "Oh Hermione, you're awake. Thank Merlin." He said. 

I looked around to see if Blaise was coming or not, but I couldn't see him anywhere. "Where's Blaise guys?" I asked. Their faces immediately became sad and upset. "Oh no, no, no, you can't be telling the truth. NOOOOOOO!!!!!" I yelled and screamed. I could feel the Dark Mark moving on my arm. Draco, Theo and I started to walk towards the meeting point which was in the courtyard of Hogwarts. I saw Pansy's body and I levitated it and laid her down to rest with all of the other deceased people. We met the Dark Lord in the courtyard and we came face to face with the good side.  "Now, Miss Lestrange, I have a plan that will get Harry Potter to surrender, but it will involve you getting hurt and also involve you being in your Granger look instead of your Lestrange look." The Dark Lord said to me through Legilimency. "Yes My Lord. Who will be the one to convince Harry Potter, My Lord?" I asked back the same way he spoke to me. "You're Mother." He said. "Y... y... yes My Lord,"  I said in fear. Harry Potter stepped forward and many gasps could be heard from both sides. Then a battle broke out again. I put the glamour charm on myself and I looked like my old self. Bellatrix then took out her dagger. "I am so sorry about this my beautiful daughter. I don't want to do this." She whispered with sadness in her eyes. "I know Mother. I know this is to get Harry Potter to surrender." I whispered back with sadness also in my eyes. With a look of regret, she pressed the dagger lightly against my throat. "STOP!!!!" The Dark Lord shouted. Everyone immediately stopped. The Dark Lord told Harry Potter to come forward and surrender himself or that if he didn't, I would die by Bellatrix's doing. At first, he wouldn't do it. My Mother then spoke. "If you do not come and surrender, she will lie dead and bleeding at my feet." She said in a dangerous tone of voice. "Killing one of your own Lestrange?" Ron mocked. "Harry, please." I pleaded to Harry. "I was wrong to choose them. I didn't know what I got myself into." I pleaded once again. My Mother pressed the dagger harder into my throat, and I started to bleed. I could feel the blood trickle down my throat and down my chest. "Please Harry." I pleaded again. "Oh Potter, don't you want to save your friend? I would if I were you. She doesn't have much time." My Mother said as she slashed my throat. I then fell out of My Mother's arms and I lay at her feet, sliding in and out of consciousness. I knew I had lost a lot of blood. I had probably lost more blood than I thought as I couldn't look at my throat. I turned my head and I saw a large puddle of crimson red blood on the floor. From what seemed like far away, I heard Harry scream in grief. He then angry at Ron and Ginny. "YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!!! YOU DOUBTED HERMIONE!!!" He screamed in grief. I was dragged away by Draco and Theo. I then passed out. 

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