Chapter 4 - The Nightmare

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Italics = Thoughts/Letters/Dreams

Hermione's P.O.V:

I was having trouble sleeping. I was having a really bad nightmare. 

"NOOOOOOOO!!!! MOTHER, FATHER! PLEASE, LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!" My Mother and Father were getting dragged away by Ron, Harry and the Order. They then tied me up and took me towards my Mother and Father and forced me to watch as they crucioed my parents and then used Avada Kedavra to kill them. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" 

I awoke to Pansy shaking me awake and Draco standing at the end of my bed. I was soaked in a cold sweat and my whole body was trembling. They asked me to tell me what happened, so I told them the nightmare and then Draco got me a new nightgown and flooed his parents at Malfoy Manor. "Mother, Father, Aunt Bella, Uncle Rudolphus!" He hollered. Bellatrix practically skidded to a halt before she banged into the fireplace. "Everyone else is asleep. That was including me, until about 10 seconds ago. What is the matter Draco that you have to floo at 2:00 am in the morning and yell throughout the house with your head sticking out of the fire?!" She said in a demanding tone. "Well, sorry to wake you Aunt Bella, but Hermione... well... she... um..." Draco stuttered. "WELL SPIT IT OUT! WHAT IS WRONG WITH HERMIONE?!" She yelled, worry laced throughout her voice. "Well... she had a really bad nightmare, and she is now sweating really bad, she is trembling like she has undergone the cruciatus curse many times, and is now vomiting," Draco said with fear in his voice. "Well, there is no time to waste, I am getting your Mother, and we are coming there right now!" She said, and before Draco could tell her it wasn't safe for her to come to Hogwarts, she had already rushed off to get Narcissa. My Mother burst into the room and ran over to my bed where I lay still trembling violently and sweating. I had finished vomiting. "Oh, my dear Hermione, are you ok?" my Mother asked me. "I... am... ok..." Before I could finish my sentence, I fainted.

Bellatrix's P.O.V:     

"HERMIONE!!! WHAT HAPPENED!!! DRACO, YOU SAID THAT SHE HAD A NIGHTMARE!!!" I yelled. "BELLA! Please, keep your voice down, otherwise, everyone in the castle will hear you and come running." Narcissa said with force to me. "Sorry, Cissy. I am just worried about Hermione" I said. "I know Bella, I know you are worried about her. Remember, I was a healer and so, I am trained in this Bella." My sister reminded me. "I know Cissy, but please, make her better she is my only child and is not only very important and special to Rodulphus and me, but also the Dark Lord, you, Draco and Lucius too," I said. "Okay, I am going to give her a potion that will stop the trembling, sweating and will make her go to sleep for the rest of the night. I am also going to give her a pain relieving potion as well. Draco, maybe you should stay here with her for tonight as she may undergo some hallucinations. These hallucinations might be bad or they might be simple. There is nothing else I can do. I am sorry Bella, I tried my hardest." My sister said to me. "Thank you, Cissy," I said, trying to hold back tears. "I will stay here too, and then I will floo back in a few hours, I should be back by 6:30 am," I said to my sister. "Ok, Bella, just be careful." My sister hugged me and the flooed back to the Manor. "Draco, go back to your room. I will stay with her." I told my nephew. "Are you sure Aunt Bella?" He asked. "Yes, I am sure Draco," I told him. I settled down for a rough few hours with my one and only 16-year-old daughter sweating, trembling, crying and screaming in my arms as she went through hallucination after hallucination. Some of the hallucinations were bad, while others were a bit less severe. As I was sleeping next to my beautiful daughter, I felt her shift next to me. The hallucinations, sweating, crying, trembling and screaming had stopped a few minutes ago. "Hermione? Are you alright my dear?" I asked her.

Hermione's P.O.V:   

I felt someone next to me and turned to face them. "Hermione? Are you alright my dear?" It was my mother. "I am alright, I have a headache, and I am still having a few spasms here and there," I said in a weak, hoarse voice. "Mother, what happened?" I asked her weakly. "You had a bad nightmare, Hermione. Aunt Narcissa tried to help you the best she could." My Mother explained to me. I then explained to her about what happened in the Great Hall at dinner time, about Ron, Harry and Ginny. I told her what happened in the nightmare and why it had terrified me so much. "Don't worry dear, I am here to comfort you, but I must leave soon my dear, as I can't stay here. I will see you very soon though my dear. I will see you much sooner than you think. Ok, dear?" My mother said. "Yes mother, but can I just ask why you are coming back very soon?" I inquired. "Well... we are going to kill Dumbledore." She explained. "Can I come too and help?" I asked. "Of course my dear." She said. "I have to go my child, but I will see you soon." She said. I looked over at my watch that was on the bedside table and saw that the time was 7:00 am. "I love you very much, Hermione." "I love you more Mother." "I love you most my child." She ended. I tried to stand on my still shaky and weak legs and instantly fell back on the bed. "Don't push yourself, dear, I will see you soon." My mother kissed the top of my head, gave me a hug, and then disappeared into the floo. 

I couldn't wait until I saw my Mother again, and got the chance to kill one of the greatest wizards of all time.    

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment. 

Until the next chapter - Mothergothel90

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