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Stefan sat anxiously, keeping himself calm under pressure as he knew he was in a public place and there was no need to freak out. He rested his chin on his arms, leaning against the back of the seat ahead of him on the public bus. His mind ran free as he thought about how big his would be for him. Hold Me Now played through his cheap headphones as he looked out the window, smudged with fingerprints and such. He took deep breaths as he tapped his foot lightly along with the beat of the song. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as the music faded out, the bus' noises sounding loudly in his ears. He slowly pulled his headphones down, pulling out the cord as he wrapped them up, shoving everything into his satchel which he now regretted bringing. He imagined himself looking like a total idiot.

He stood up swiftly, making his way off the bus as he nodded to the driver before grasping the railing as his feet softly stepped down the stairway. He exhaled deeply before looking up at the huge building in front of him, eyes widening as his eyebrows raised ever so slightly. He tapped the side of his bag as he walked to the building, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone by looking down at his legs and feet. He finally made his way up to the building, pushing the doors open swiftly before opening the elevator and stepping in.

He waited after pressing the second floor button, taking deep breaths as he looked up at the ceiling of the elevator. He wasn't sure what the main reason was for him to be so anxious but he really was.

The elevator door opened, luckily no one was standing on the other side waiting to be let on for he wanted to just get this over with and go. He walked in, looking around in every single corner and foot of the building. The sound of phones ringing and light video game machines rang in his ears added in with the receptionist talking on the phone. He turned the corner, gulping before squinting a bit, assuming he had spotted Mr. Thakur. He walked up to Stefan with a  grin, almost starting to talk in just milliseconds.

"Ah... you... are... Steven!"

What a perfect start. His hand rose from his pockets, looking down for a quick moment. He shook his hand, his right grasp unnerving.


He smiled lightly, trying to break the tension as Mr. Thakur apologized. Sadly; he did get 'Steven' all the time. They talked a bit longer about why it was so cluttered even if he didn't really mind it he just kept on going.

His eyes widened at the mention of him. He had known Colin worked here from the start but it's not like he was counting on meeting him or anything.

"A.. are you serious..? I've played all of his games.. are you sure he won't mind he's workin-"

He was cut of, yet he didn't even mind at the time. He could tell Mr. Thakur was looking over in the direction of a taller boy, more slumped in his seat than sitting. He rested his legs out on the table, smoking some sort of cigarette as he listened to music through some bulky headphones.

"He'll be fine, he'll be fine.."

He shushed him playfully, walking behind him to get to the other side of Colin. He pulled a headphone off from his ear, smiling with anticipation.

"What's this Kajagoogoo?"

He snickered, Stefan only amazed by the energy he radiated. He seemed to be so careless but still warm and now he found himself characterizing him and he hadn't even said a word. He kept looking down at him and I mean— he was his idol but he knew there was another reason he couldn't keep his eyes off him. Colin slid his headphones off, music quietly sounding from his headphones now as he looked up at Mr. Thakur with a blank face.

"You wish."

He lazily put the roll up back in his mouth, letting it almost hang from his lips so effortlessly.

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