(2)Into the Jungle

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The Necropolis was a reaper hub; there were a few stationed on every continent on earth. A Necropolis was the place where the dead and living were divided, managed and 'dealt with' when their time came. Due to humanity's drastic decrease in population, the souls of the dead were taken to the nearest Necropolis and given the proper time to be sorted and sent to the Underworld- something the gods couldn't manage to do for quite some time after the mortals' population had boomed a couple of thousand years ago, before the great disasters had taken place.

Now things were easier for reapers, but that had also meant that the population of reapers had decreased.

"It wasn't very smart of them. Killing reapers will only hasten your own death." Malreus said seriously and his eyes were locked on to the path ahead. He was magnetic like this- so focused and firm.

"Exactly, which is why I'm so baffled..." I shook my head. Reapers could be killed- like any other being or monster. They weren't immortal. Although, it did take a bit more than just a stab here or a cut there to kill a reaper. Their bodies were stronger than an average mortal's.

A reaper was once a human who, at the time of their death, is given the chance to join the brotherhood. They pledge their service in return for eternal life. This 'eternal life', however, could be taken away. If reapers didn't perform or deliver on their duties, they could stripped of their powers and thrown in with the rest of the dead. The term 'eternal life' also didn't mean that they were granted immortality- just a form of it.

They would age as an immortal- so extremely slowly- but were still vulnerable to the bane of death.

It was very similar to Narray's situation. She was immortal in her nature, because of her mother's divinity, but her father was a reaper, and thus she could be killed and suffer death. Her healing was not on par with ours, but if anything, it made her stronger in her will.

"And Uncle Barrios mentioned a revolt?" Malreus asked, while his hand pushed away a large palm leaf from my path.

I nodded my head in thanks; "Yes, apparently there's been rumours of strange happenings going on around Leibysos."

"Leibysos? The city not too far from here?"

"Hmm." I nodded and returned the favour by pulling a vine from Malreus' path before he accidently walked into it. He shot me a sheepish look. "Thanks."

I smiled, but before we could continue our conversation, Narray's irritated growl sent a flock of parrots flying for cover. "Stupid jungle!" She slapped her dagger against a tree and tried to cut at the thick vines that had ensnared her one leg.

We stifled a laugh, but she saw our amused faces and snarled back; "Enjoying the show?"

"Yes, thank you for asking." Malreus winked and turned back to the path. I thought about retreating back and helping Narray out of her makeshift trap, but I decided it was best to leave her be- she hated any help. It was hard though; it was in my nature to want to help, but I knew a lost cause when I saw one.

"Shout if you give up!" I yelled back at her and followed Malreus. She didn't reply; just shot me a dirty look.

"Anyway, as I was saying..." I fell in step with the prince of the Underworld; "Apparently, and this is just a rumour of course, a new religious group has emerged in Leibysos."

"Like a cult?" Malreus shot me a surprised look and I nodded in response. He shook his head; "For the gods?"

"I don't know? That's all I heard."

Malreus nodded, but kept silent. I could see his mind working as he walked.

It wasn't all that uncommon for humans to have sects and cults dedicated to the gods- we weren't a fairytale anymore and our myths weren't legend. They were very real and both loved and feared. Creatures, monsters and even some gods lived on earth now and have made it their home- some even living alongside mortals. But on most occasions, the different groups and species didn't get along very well.

The Dawn of LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora