Chapter 3

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We eat breakfast and headed out with mom and Myung.

Lee Min's POV.

We arrive at our destination which is the amusement park. We went on many rides. Mom gave Hanuel to his personal maid since he can't go on rides cause he is a baby. We had lots of fun. We eat. We laughed. And we talked.
Just as we were about to go home a man in black hoodie came running at us he snatched Hanuel from mom and started running away. Myung and I started running after the guy but he was fast. He bumped into some familiar guys but I was to busy running I didn't take notice of who they where. So I left Myung to go straight and I went left. I ran and saw I was at the same length as him. I jumped in front of him to stop him. He tried backing away but Myung blocked him. She grabbed Hanuel back so I won't hurt him. I cracked my fingers and neck signalling I'm gonna beat the sh*t out of the guy. I kicked him in the stomach and where the sun does not shine then gave him and uppercut then a punch and a kick to the face. He landed on the floor unconscious with blood on his nose and mouth.

I searched through his pockets for an ID and found two wallets. One belonged to him and the other belonged to One of the boys of BTS. He must have stolen it. I stood up and took the wallet. I walked with Myung back making sure Hanuel was ok. Thankfully.

On my way back I saw the boys I ran past and noticed it was BTS. Maybe this was their outing to?! I walked over to them and took out the wallet. It was Jimins so I handed it over to him and explained what happened and how it hot in my hands before he jumped to conclusions.

"Thank you Lee Min." He bowed and I bowed back.

"What are you doing here anyways?!" Jungkook asked. "I thought you were busy?!" He asked with a little pain in his eyes.

"Oh I am. As you can seey little brother I'm on an outing with my family." I said with a half smile.

"Oh..." He said like he just realized something and I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.

"Anyways I'll see you at school." I said waving at them with Myung by my side.

"Bye!" They waved back.
When we got home mom was still uneasy although we tried to calm her down. But she kept on crying. We told her to get some rest and told her Hanuel was fine. She finally agreed and left for her room. I decided to switch on the tv.

"BREAKING NEW!!!!" The tv said.

"Today at Seoul National Park there was almost a child abduction luckily he was stopped before he was able to take away the child." The tv announced.

"The Mayor of Seoul has decided to shut down schools for 2 weeks to ensure the safety of our children... There will-" I shut the tv off and think. So that means no school?! Yes!!!
Wait... But What about Jungkook?! Since there will be no school they will probably be working. I sigh surprising myself.  "Weird." I thought.

I headed of to my room and slept off due to that running and fighting I did. It's been a long time since Taekwondo.  I yawn and drift off to sleep.
I wake up freshen up then went down stairs and saw dad sitting on the sofa. I went up to him. Once he noticed me he told me he'll be sending me to Gorse riding school. Not to learn but teach! Teach! The nerve! He knows I'm bad at that! I nod my head and bow. I got changed into something more comfortable since I'm riding horses.

Since i've rode a horse before I already have clothes incase I feel like it. Besides its been long since I've seen Pearl in a long time... She's my horse. She's s beautiful white horse with a golden mane.
Myung didn't come with me today she's taking care of mom. Hope she gets better soon though... I got out of the car once we reached our destination. I sprinted to the stable and looked for her. Once she saw me she neither out of happiness. I guess she feels the same way to. I went up to her and took her out.

"Hey girl... You miss me?!" I said stroking her treating her like a baby. She neighed answering my question.

"Let's go for a ride." I said mounting on her. We ran through the forest for a little while. I almost forgot this feeling. It's like flying but you are not flying.
You walk your horse to the stable for her to rest as you teach.
Jungkook POV.

There's no school so we have time for more practice. Im not able to talk to Min right now maybe later. For our next MV we need to ride horses so we are going to learn how to ride them.
We arrive at the Horse riding school and sign up for classes. We got a little knowledge before the instructor had to leave but she left us with some basic tips. While trying to stand up straight on the horse I saw a girl. she was riding a horse in the next paddock. Hoseok was to excited and accidentally kicked the horse to hard making the other horses scared and start running through the forest with us on them. We were shouting and pleaing for them to stop but to no avail.
Lee Min's POV.

I heard some screams and looked in that direction and saw horses running wildly into the forest. I decided to go stop them. I quickly dropped of the horse I was riding while I waited for Pearl to regain energy.

Once I reached there I saw her all ready and set. I mounted her and ran in the direction of the horses. I saw that theres no way in time before I could stop those horses I decided to take a different route and stop them.

I took a left turn which allowed me to run faster. I then stopped pearl in front of the horse in front making the horse stop with the others. I sighed out of relief as I was able to stop them.  I got off my horse to inspect if they were all ok.

"Y'all ok?!" You asked worried.

"Yes... Thank you." One of the guys said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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