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I'm not kidding-


"So, we'll all go, except for Mangle, Toy Freddy, and Bonnie, who'll stay and set up a base somewhere. Everyone clear?" Springtrap gave a mocking salute. "Aye, Aye, Ma'am." Fedelma glared at him as Toy Chica, in Crone aspect, began to glow. She grabbed their hands and the last thing Fedelma saw of her universe was Toy Freddy waving with Mangle. They dropped down onto a grassy lawn. "Dew. I hate dew. Sets my Spring locks off." Springtrap complained. Toy Chica sighed and lifted a hand and he rose up, an aura of yellow magic containing him. "Well, this is much better." Fedelma flicked her tail. "Stop being sarcastic and start walking." They entered some sort of forest/bush area. As soon as they reached a gravel path, Toy Chica released Springtrap and he dropped into a crouch. "So, as I was saying, what do you think about the latest Game Theory?" Toy Chica turned back to her normal self and Fedelma pulled Springtrap behind a bush. "Which one?" "Aww, you're telling me you haven't seen it? Here, the thumbnail's this. Recognise it?" Two humans emerged into view. One Female, one Male. The female one was holding a phone, had a backpack, and was wearing a tie, blazer, and skirt. She kept flexing her legs as if the skirt annoyed her. She had rounded features but a stockier stature, with stone-blue eyes and caramel-brown hair. The male was wearing the same outfit, but with trousers. His hair was short and neat, and slightly lighter. He was larger than the female, but the way she walked, she knew she was the boss. "Here, use my ear buds for a moment - I think I saw something up ahead." The female started walking straight at them. Fedelma stepped back - into thin air. A panicked screech tore from her lips. The female human jumped, the ran towards the sound. She saw Fedelma dangling from the bank and grabbed her hand. "Liam! Over here!" Liam put down the phone and dropped his bag and grabbed Fedelma's other hand. Together they pulled Fedelma over the edge. "Woah, buddy! You ok?" The female looked down at her. She had a scar under her chin. Fedelma shakily pulled herself away and got to her feet. "Bella," Liam stuttered. "That's not human, is it?" The female shook herself violently. "Thanks. I figured that out all by myself. I'm so proud of myself." Toy Chica launched out from the bushes. Liam and Bella looked at each other and ran. Springtrap stepped out from the bushes in front of them. Bella took a few swings at him and he caught her fist. She pulled away using a break that was similar to Fedelma's. Liam frowned. "Wait. Look at him. Is that who I think it is?" Bella looked at him. Then she searched something up on her phone. "Springtrap. Damn. Well, we're dead." Toy Chica hurriedly switched to normal aspect and held out her hands. "We don't want any trouble. We just travelled to this universe." Bella frowned. "So if that's Springtrap and he's not murdering anyone, and they've come from an Alternate universe," Liam started, "Then that means that the AU theory is correct! Quantum Physics for the win!" Bella finished. She seemed to have calmed down a lot on seeing Toy Chica. "I think we just got off on the wrong foot. Sorry for us being so shocked. You see, for us, you guys are from a horror game." Toy Chica fist bumped Fedelma. "Yes! We're in the Game Universe!" I love this universe." Bella looked Fedelma up and down. "I recognise Springtrap and Toy Chica, by the way, you two have been my favourite characters since I saw FNAF 2 and 3, but, who're you? The closest I have seen to you is Tangle, but Tangle is reverse colour scheme and has a hook and looks different." Fedelma winced. "Please don't mention that episode." Liam was talking with Springtrap, eyes wide. Bella put her hands in her pockets and looked at them. "So, who're you? Scott didn't put you in the games - at least, not in this universe. If you're wondering why I'm not shocked, by the way, I've gone through this before. A more perfect version of me came through for some help. Do you need help? How did you get here? Do you want to meet my other version, Fay?" Bemused, Toy Chica held up her hands. "Yeah, we need some help. Let us tell you the story. Sit down, it's long."

"Ok, so, long story short - yeah, I can't make that short. But I think I know who you guys might be in this other universe I know." Bella spoke into her phone. "Fay, or Omen, or Leife, whoever you are right now, could you come over. I think you might like this." Five minutes later, a figure shimmered into view. "Hey Fay," Bella said. "Meet some friends from the FNAF universe. Yes, there's a new one!" Liam was staring at Fay. "How?" He asked. "I think because we are different versions of each other, we are quite closely linked. And Bella has knowledge of AU's, making her AU stand out even more than the others. Apparently you don't have dragons here?" Fay asked. Liam frowned, Springtrap cocked his head, Toy Chica glitched her eyes so they could see her eyebrows more clearly, and Fedelma looked like Christmas had come early. "Dragons?!" Bella nodded with obvious glee. "CLEO!" She yelled. The animatronics jumped. "What?" Liam asked. "Oh - The cat, she's named Cleo isn't she?" Springtrap shuddered and nodded. They were cut off by a massive emerald green dragon landing out of nowhere. Fay smugly leaned on the dragon. "If you need help, you know where to go now. Unfortunately I can only provide limited supplies, aka me and Cleo here. Jasper thinks I can handle it. Fortunately, I am pretty powerful. Well, we are, anyway." Fedelma, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. "I think I know what you mean. When Bella called you, she said 'Fay, or Leife, or Omen, or whoever you are right now.' You also said 'we are'. Also, I can see you in the way that I can see those two, if I concentrate. You have two others standing beside you, each shimmering in a different colour. Taking a stab here, do you have split personalities?" Fay nodded, impressed. She took off her coat, and only then could they admire just how strong she way. Slender tanned arms disguised the fact, but the way she moved, rather like Toy Freddy, but much more gracefully. Her hair was the exact same shade, length, and messiness as Bella. Her eyes were the same stone blue as Bella's. Her features were a whisper more prominent and she had a scar under her cheekbone. Her clothes, completely black, shimmered with some kind of magic. "Yeah. I do Necromancy, just like your friend Springtrap over there. By the way, congrats! Those powers are pretty powerful. If you need any help on controlling shadows, I'd be honoured to help you." Liam broke it up by saying, "So, we've all been acquainted, what now? Um, Toy Chica? Do you have a Bonnie around?" Toy Chica stared. "Why of course we do! He's my boyfriend!" Bella and Fay exchanged looks. "The ships. Not the ships. Help." Toy Chica blushed. "Why did I say that out loud?" She muttered. Liam laughed and they all looked at him. "It's just that today, I've found out my friend has known about AU's and has her own version visit her, there's dragons, and the FNAF universe is existing. You have no idea how this feels." Springtrap raised a hand. "Well then, if you're going to help us, then let's get to our universe!" Fay nodded and waved a hand. Two exact copies of Liam and Bella popped up. Bella brushed off her uniform and it shimmered into the same clothes as Fay. Liam nodded and prepared himself. Toy Chica flashed into Crone Aspect. She nudged Springtrap but Fay shrugged and used slivers of shadow to connect everyone. Then the world tilted and flashed. Fedelma closed her eyes, then opened them and looked into the eyes of a snake.

"Scree!" Fedelma batted the snake away and scrambled backwards. She jumped up, took in her surroundings. A room, windowless. Dark grey walls. A phrase, "Save them", was scrawled on one wall in what looked like oil. There was only one exit. And it was blocked by two animatronics. Hulking, thuggish, one was carrying a frying pan in one large hand, and the other hand was miniscule. It was wearing a chef's hat on its small head, and it's vaguely human face was twisted and grotesque. Colour scheme of grey, white, and black. The other was a snake. She didn't have time to study him before it wrapped it's tail around her wrists like manacles, rendering her hands almost useless. She pulled at him, but the snake seemed anchored to the ground. The large one took out a set of kitchen knives and started throwing them at her without mercy. Leaping to dodge them, Fedelma remembered something she had seen in a movie long ago when she was human. She moved to one side and when the knives came, she held up her hands and the knives sliced through the snake. He - she thought it was a he - dropped and she ducked, started moving towards the chef animatronic. Fedelma was forced to perform incredible acrobatics to dodge the relentless torrent of deadly knives. Flip, push off the wall, backwards cartwheel, nearly there, wall jump, forwards flip, dive and twist. Avoid that knife. There. Fedelma winked, then jumped onto the animatronic's broad chest. She jumped up, clung the top of the door frame for a second, then lashed out with her foot, then with her tail for good measure. The animatronic slumped forward. Fedelma gracefully flipped backwards off the frame and landed on firm feet with her arms crossed. Then two animatronics and a small robotic parrot headed through the doorway and froze. "Well, well, what do we have here?"

There was a dinosaur, and a plain but authoritative looking rat. The dinosaur stepped back, his hands melting into hooks. "Look, I just -" The rat whirled and shot a bolt of electricity straight at her head. Then everything went dark.


The Bella isn't me, that's adventure!Bella

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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