Actual Beginnings.

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Sorry. I just had to do the thanks.

In the pizzeria, it was nearly closing time. The newest animatronics were finished performing and as the last child filed out, the manager clicked a button and the animatronics slowly stopped performing. Fedelma the fox’s guitar hung from her paws. Boswell the bunny’s drums were moved to one side. Deliah the dragon’s microphone hung loosely between her fingers. With a satisfied nod, the manager turned out the light and closed the doors. He didn’t notice the way Fedelma’s head moved the slightest inch towards him. The door slammed closed. Nothing stirred. Until Boswell yawned, stretched, and promptly fell against Deliah. “OW! Watch it! You’ll get my suit all MESSY.” Deliah said indignantly. “Sorry Deliah. Mind flicking on the lights?” Boswell rolled his eyes inwardly. Fedelma was listening intently and pretending to still be asleep rather than deal with this vain dragon. “Fedelma, wake up!” The turquoise rabbit gently shook her shoulder. “Don’t want to.” Fedelma grumbled. “Oh, leave her alone, she’s terrible in the morning.” Deliah scoffed. The green fox’s light blue eyes opened and she straightened up. “WHAT did you just say?” Fedelma’s eyes glittered dangerously. “I just said that you're terrible in the mornings.” Deliah protested. “Ever come to mind that it might actually put me in a worse grump than normal if you say that.” hissed Fedelma. Boswell rolled his eyes. “Listen girls, there’s no point in arguing. Come on. Haven’t you got better things to do than yelling at each other?” He tried in vain to stop the rising argument. “Hmf. I guess you're right.” Fedelma grudgingly admitted. Boswell shook his head. He went and flicked on the lights with robotic hand. He studied his turquoise fur for a moment before shaking his head and heading back to the stage. The two girls had broken up and were sulking. Boswell gazed around the room. He watched the tables, with their rows of party hats, the arcade machines, the two corridors leading to the camera room, which had cameras of each room, and the entrance, which was sealed off. He noticed Deliah facing the back of the stage, staring out the window. He walked silently to her side. “It’s so pretty.” She murmured. It took Boswell a moment to realise she was talking about the moon. “I know.” He replied. The moonlight spilled from the window, illuminating Deliah. She glowed purple, her green undertones melding perfectly with the rest of her. “You look good.” Boswell said, at once knowing it was true. “Thanks.” Deliah soaked up praise like a sponge soaking up water. She leaned against Boswell and they watched the moon slowly make its way across the night sky, a diamond against a motheaten black carpet.

Fedelma was also watching the moon, but with completely different emotions; where Boswell and Deliah had started with wonder, amazement, and admiration, Fedelma was looking with tears in her eyes, with rage, longing, and a heartbreaking sadness. She had entered her room, with had once been a spare supply room, and climbed the ladder that leaned in one corner, and up onto the roof, where she felt at her best. The refreshing cool wind ruffled her fur, playing with it, but she didn’t feel calm. Instead she slammed a fist down beside her. “Why?” she asked the moon plaintively. “Why did you have to go? Why just disappear? Did we do something wrong? It wasn’t just about you you know! I dream about you coming back, and when you don’t, it tears me apart. Why Cleo? Where did you go? Please come back. I want you back. Please. Cleo.” Fedelma’s voice was hoarse with saying it. It was like that every night. The landscape was bathed in silver, as if the moon was trying to make up for it. Tears glistened in her fur. She had been crying without noticing. Furiously, she wiped them away. She missed Cleo more than anything. Sighing, she got up stiffly. She needed to take her mind off things. She jumped down and landed feet first, bending her knees to absorb the impact. Closing the trapdoor behind her, Fedelma exited her room. She walked into the main room and saw Boswell and Deliah sitting together, gazing out the window at the cold, alien landscape. She coughed and they turned to her. “Anyone want a pizza?” she asked politely. “Sure!” Deliah jumped up. “I’ll help!” She turned to Boswell. “You coming?” She asked. “Oh, yes, of course.” He leapt to his feet and strode to the kitchen. Fedelma stiffened. Had he noticed? Her voice had only been a little hoarse…. Shaking her head, she followed Deliah to the kitchen.

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