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Drenched in sweat, Ryan shot up out of bed. Placing a hand to his wet forehead, he tried to calm himself down from the nightmare he awoke from. His heart was racing in his chest and he felt like he couldn't catch his breath. The alarm clock on his nightstand told him it was 3:30 AM. He turned on the dim lamp light, rubbing his eyes. He pulled the collar of his shirt up to wipe the sweat off his face, and just as he did his door swung open. He gasped quietly, startled by the sudden noise, but he could just make out the tall lanky figure in the dark. "Shane?"

"Ryan, are you alright?" He stepped closer, but Ryan could tell he was trying to keep his distance. It felt weird.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Why're you awake?"

"Well, you screamed pretty loud." Shane scratched the back of his neck anxiously. "Kind of woke me up. Not that that's a problem! I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

Ryan raised an eyebrow. He didn't remember screaming. He could barley remember his nightmare at this point but man, he guessed it was pretty bad. "Oh, sorry. Just a bad dream. I'm ok now. Thanks." Shane nodded, relieved. He started to walk out, but stopped in his track when Ryan yelled out, "Wait!" Shane turned back to look at him.


Truly, Ryan didn't mean to do it. He barley recognized his own voice in that moment. But something within him couldn't let Shane leave. "I...could you...stay in here with me? I just feel..scared right now. You don't have to if you don't want to I just...I'd feel better." The shorter man fumbled over his words.

"Yeah, yeah of course. I'll sleep on the floor. I'll grab my blanket and pillow from the couch."

"You...could sleep in the bed. If you want." Ryan choose not to look Shane in the eyes but instead focused on the wall behind him. "I mean, it's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before."

"Oh yeah, that makes sense." Shane got into the bed next to Ryan, closest to the opposite edge as he could be. Ryan laid back down, turning off the light. He chewed on his lip, trying to fight what felt like a magnetic pull to curl up beside his cohost.

Ryan woke up before Shane, which wasn't unusual. What was unusual was how close he was to the taller man. Basically spooning, Ryan let himself press up against the mans chest. The rhythm of the rise and fall of Shane's chest relaxed him completely. He closed his eyes once again, let his thoughts run around his mind. He thought about the days ahead of him, and the man beside him. Mental pictures of Shane that night in the Benders house flashed through his mind, and he instantly recoiled. Climbing out of bed as quietly as he could, he made his way into the kitchen.

As the coffee machine started warming up, Ryan started at the tile floor. The feelings he had for Shane were at war. There was something he just couldn't (or didn't want to) explain about his relationship with him. But he also couldn't just forget everything that was happening. He had no idea what to do. All he knew was that he didn't want Shane to leave. He would have probably had panic attacks all night if not for Shane. He tried to remember his dream from last night, what had made him so upset like Shane said he was. As hard as he tried, he couldn't really remember a thing. He squinted his eyes hard, rubbing his temples. Then, a sudden memory in his mind. Something from his nightmare. Horns.

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