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It may have been the quietest ride to have ever existed. As Ryan drove, the car was absolutely silent. That was until Shane watched him drive right past the exit for his apartment.

"Uh, Ryan, you missed the exit." His comment was ignored, making him repeat himself. "Ryan, the exit was back th-"

"Shh!" Shane was taken aback when the shorter man shushed his so abruptly. He raised his eyes brows, deciding to just go along with it. He didn't really have much of a choice. He continued the rest of the car ride quietly, not wanting to aggravate Ryan any more than he already had. Still, he had the urge to say something when he saw that they were most definitely headed to Ryan's apartment.

When they arrived, Ryan got out first. As he walked toward his home, Shane could tell the reason he kept looking back was to make sure that he was following behind. Wow, he really didn't trust him. When they finally reached Ryan's front door, it took him several tries to get the key in. His hands were shaking worse than Shane had ever seen. Seeing how scared of him he was made his heart drop.

Ryan motioned for the taller man to sit on the couch when they got inside, before disappearing to his room. When he reappeared, he held a pair of handcuffs in his hand. He closed one end around the leg of the couch, and the other around Shane's wrist without warning. He took a step back, admiring his work. "There. Now you can explain."

Shane raised an eyebrow, but started anyway. "I'm sorry Ryan. I really wanted to tell you, but I just couldn't find and way. And I was thinking of- wait where did you get these handcuffs?"

Ryan groaned, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. Continue."

"Yeah, okay, anyways. I was thinking that even if I couldn't find a way to tell you, I could at least keep you safe. When you asked me to do the show, I honestly just did it as a joke. I mean, a demon, playing the skeptic role? That's hilarious." Shane saw Ryan's face cringe at the 'd' word, so he decided to stop trying to joke around. "But then I just...I got to know you. And ghost and demons are real Ryan, obviously the latter. And you really put yourself in dangerous situations so I figured I had to keep coming with you. Cause I don't want you to get hurt. And if I told you I assumed you probably wouldn't let me do that anymore, so that's why I didn't."

Ryan just stared at him for a minute, and it felt like Shane could see the thoughts racing behind his eyes. "No."


"You heard me. No. Not good enough. You've spent our entire career, MY entire career, making me look like a fucking idiot. Like I was crazy. And you knew this whole time that I was right! But you stood back and made fun of me, laughed at me, made everyone else think I was stupid." Ryan started to ramble.

"I was just trying to protect you, Ry."

"Bullshit. You were protecting yourself. You thought I'd expose you or something, huh? Fuck you, Shane. If that is your real name. Fuck. You." He stomped out and into his room, slamming the door.

Shane let out a long sigh. He knew how to get out of the cuffs easily, yet he stayed. For Ryan's sake. Because the pain of hurting him was much worse than the pain beginning to sting his wrist. Ryan was right. How could he betray him like that? The cold hard metal digging into his wrist felt deserved.

The Liar From Hell (Shyan) [Completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora