"Just hear me out okay. I promise you... you'll want to hear this." 

"Okay. Fine I will listen. Probably won't change anything. I still need a break but I will listen. I will always be here to listen." You took a deep breath after he said he would always listen. You wanted to start crying right there.

"Okay. So you know when you went on vacation for a couple of weeks and I was in London with my parents."

"Yeah I remember. It was the first time that we were far apart."

"Yeah so somethings happened will you were gone..."

{Flashback- 3 years}

"Bye Tommy I will miss you!"

"Bye Princess. You will be okay without me you know that right."

"Yes but it won't be the same. I won't be able to talk to you for 5 weeks. That is so long."

"I know. I know. I am going to miss you so much." The two of you hugged for a solid 10 minutes. Not letting each other go. You didn't want the moment to end because then he would leave you. He kissed your forehead. "I have to go now darling. My parents will be mad if I don't leave now."

"Okay." Tears started to form in your eyes. You didn't know why. It wasn't going to be forever just 5 weeks.

"Please don't cry princess. I don't want to see you cry. You know I hate it. I don't want leave but I have to. You know Chris is across the street. We have been hanging out with him for a while now. You should hangout with him while I am gone. Pretend I never left."

"But it's not going to be the same."

"I know darling but you need to have some social interaction while I am gone."

"Alright I guess. Promise you won't forget me Tom."

"Y/N look at me." He lifted you chin up to look at him. "It's only 5 weeks. There is no possible way I can forget you even if I wanted to."

"Okay. Well I will be here waiting for you when you get back."

"Alright princess. Love you best friend."

"Love you too. See you in 5 weeks." 

Tom was going on a camping trip with his family for 5 weeks. You didn't know why someone would want to be in the woods that long but whatever. He wasn't aloud to have his phone so he wouldn't be able to talk to you. 

After the Holland's left and you waved them goodbye, you went straight over to Chris's house. It was close to your's and Tom's house so it was pretty convenient for you. You knocked on the door and he opened it.

"Y/N! What are you doing here? Where is Tom?" He was excited to see you. You had been talking to him for the past few months. You wanted it to be more than a friendship an dot try to get your feelings for Tom gone. 

"Tom is going on a family vacation for 5 weeks with no phone so I was wondering if you wanted to hangout!"

Of course he said yes. Later that day he asked you to be his girlfriend and you hungout all day. Harrison hangout with the two of you as well since he was your best friend to and missed Tom. 

The next couple weeks were great. You spent time with your boyfriend and one of your best friends. Until one day...

"C where are you?" He had given you a key to his house. You go up to his room to find him laying in his bed with ANOTHER GIRL! 

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