Original monologue: Midnight of the Soul

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Sometimes, I allow myself to dream. Whether in the night, or during the day's hours, I dream. Here and there, they are happy dreams; dreams of smiling and singing away the day until I giggle because I realize it's late. But other times...dark, horrifying nightmares haunt my sights. I call it my "Midnight of the Soul" as I feel any light in my life disappear from sight or touch. As though any happiness i once felt suddenly becomes a distant memory, one of which I may never get to feel again. It's as if any hope I once maintained, any faith I once held, any love I once tasted is a mere wisp of a wish long ago abandoned. It truly is like midnight, though with no stars, nor moon, nor sight of light anywhere. It is all darkness, overwhelming and terrifying all at once. But am I damned to this pain for an eternity..? Will I never again see the light of day? Will the sun never shine on my tear stained face again?! Oh, Lord high above me, will you never grant me my wish? Will you not heed my prayers?! Or am I to forever remain in the grip of the devil? And will this midnight, this...broken heart and ruined soul forever haunt me in my dreams..?



Life feels as though it is a dream sometimes. You go day to day, the same routine, the same people, the same work, the same everything. Sometimes you are happy with this life. Others...well, other times life is a nightmare. Pain and anger and anxiety control every move, every thought, every word, every action. And you've no idea how to make that end. You only know you wish it would.

My life seems a joke. People all around me tell me my life isn't worth the fight, or the time. I get called ugly everywhere I go. Or fat. Or stupid. Or useless. Or worthless. Or a mistake. They love to tell me I'm unlovable. It's nightmarish. I feel no hope, nor happiness, nor faith, nor love. My life feels dark. As though there is no light to be found.

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