13: Mars

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OC Category; Various Roleplay

Basic Information

Name; Mars
Nicknames; M&M, Witch
Age; 237
Zodiac Sign; Gemini
Birthday; June 17th
Gender; Male
Species; Elemental
Sexuality; Gay

Physical Appearance

Hair Color; Red (this shade;

Eye Color; Ruby Red (tribe eye color), Emerald Green (when spell is activated)

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Eye Color; Ruby Red (tribe eye color), Emerald Green (when spell is activated).
Skin Tone; Ivory
Scars?; Several small ones all over his stomach/arms from spells gone array that are barely visible. Most notable is the one on the back of his right leg (from his heel to the back of his knee).
Tattoo's?; None
Piercings?; None
Weight; 123 pounds
Height; 5'2
Other features;
-Mars is rather petite in stature, similar to King in SDS
-He has three small red dots under his eyes, markings of his people


Personality; Mars is rather dense, not picking up usually on hints. You'd have to say something straight to his face for him to truly grasp it. With that said, he is rather knowledgeable about spells, magic, and history. He's more than willing to show off his abilities and teach others, which can be his downside because he never knows who he's talking to. He can become flustered/embarrassed very easily and tends to hide his face/avoid eye contact when this happens. When Mars is angry, he tends to bottle it up until he snaps at somebody, whether they deserve it or not.
-anything vanilla scented/tastes like vanilla
-sunny afternoons
-meeting other people
-physical battles
-anything raspberry flavored
-the feeling of guilt
-singing (can't sing to save his life)
-rude people
-He is insecure about his stature, as he feels that people don't take him seriously.
-For some reason, he uses a "Concealing Spell" on the circles under his eyes almost 24/7.
Backstory; Mars wasn't always a "He". Mars used to be a female called Marceline. Marceline was raised in a village that was hidden deep in a jungle, protected by a magical barrier that only the Elemental's could enter and exit. She was taught the same things over and over; only the adult men got to leave to hunt, the outside world was dangerous, never use these spells, never explore outside the village.
Being stuck in her village gave her time to think for over 50 years, when, around 57, she began to question her gender. Through months of struggling and confusion, she finally came to a conclusion; her new name was Mars and she was a he. A simple gender swap spell later and his female body parts were replaced with male, along with several other changes to his body. After that (and a chewing out from his mother about doing spells when she wasn't around), he was alone with his thoughts again.
Twenty years after that, a family heirloom was passed down to Mars; a special bracelet. Once owned by his grandfather and father, the bracelet manipulated itself to ones aura and became a weapon to match the wielders aura. When Mars tried it out, it transformed into a spear with intricate good designs throughout the metal top.
Life quickly went downhill after that. The village announced that they would be changing locations as to avoid a "threat outside that had killed several people"....including his father. He demanded an explanation from the village elders, only to get none. In a fit of anger, he spent two days locked in his room. So finally, he thought, "why not venture outside the village? For good?" because he's an idiot sometimes but aren't we all. Late one night, Mars packed several things into a bag; some spell notebooks, food, a map, his bracelet, and a book about astronomy and astrology.  After that, he snuck out of the village. Outside was rather normal; he couldn't see much of a threat.
Until he got further out, that is.
Bones and bodies were littered in front of a cave deeper into the jungle, with his fathers body being the freshest there. Mars would've charged straight into the cave had it not been for the magical readings of aura coming from inside. Something big and very powerful was inside, something that seemed almost unkillable.
Mars fled and has been moving since.
Crush; Ban/Estarossa (SDS), Kurapika (HxH), Other (Other)


Ability Name; Manipulate- Mars can manipulate several aspects of nature into attacks/defenses.
-Branch Whip (Activated through spell. Trees seem to come to life and attack whomever the spell is directed towards with fast movements)
-Hundred Spears (Activated through Spell. A simple cloning and power doubling spell, 99 spears are cloned from his own and are given minds of their own to attack whomever the spell is directed towards.)
-Death Sting (Activated through Forbidden Spell. This spell summons large bee like creature from Hell to attack whomever summons it commands it to. It's three stingers are incredibly dangerous and to be stung means death within fifteen minutes.)
-Blast (No activation. A simple technique that came with his spear, Mars can fire beams of elements (ice, wind, fire, water, rocks) from his spear.)
-Chameleon (Activated through Spell. This Spell allows Mars to blend in with his surroundings. Although he isn't invisible, he can perfectly blend in with the surrounding environment for as long as the spell is set to last)
-Heaven's Armor (Activated through Forbidden Spell. Golden Armor is placed on the user that is fire resistant, can withstand extreme pressure, freeze resistant, and blunt force resistant.)
-Perfect Cube
-Mars has mastered the techniques shown above and has memorized all of the spells needed.
-Is great at long distance fighting.
-Quick thinker in battle.
-Very weak at hand-to-hand combat.
-The two forbidden spells take up more aura than the rest and if he overuse them, he can become sick and fall unconscious for anywhere between a few hours to a few weeks.
-Death Sting, no matter how long it's used, will take a toll on Mars as soon as he's done using it. Along with a fever, a weak to mild wound will appear somewhere on his body as the price of using such a spell.
Magic Item; Spear

About The Elemental's

History; The Elementals are a hidden group of people that have an over 5,000 year agreement to stay secluded from other races. The very first elemental's got their magical powers through bonding with the land, although the Elemental Abilities they named themselves after soon evolved into more than just fire, water, earth, and air control.  A thousand years after the elemental's were founded, a wizard named Leo made history by establishing books of every recorded spell he knew of. The three books he made over a series of 500 years were copied and made over and over; The book of spells, book of potions, and book of Forbidden Spells. Forbidden spells were forbidden because of the after effects they had on a person, both mentally and physically. Leo was the first person to ever leave the village and he seemingly vanished from the face of the earth, never to return.
Clan Leaders; Reed (First ever Tribe Leader), Karx (Second Tribe leader), Maila (Third Tribe leader), Mihego (Fourth Tribe leader), Pluto (Current Tribe leader)
Magic Type Users; The four basic magic users of the elemental's are fire users, water users, air users, and earth users. Over time, more users such as ice users, metal users, and poison users came into play. The strongest of the users are the darkness and light users with swap users right below them. Swap users can use any form of magic except light magic and dark magic. Mars is a swap user.
-The three dots under the elemental's eyes are given to an elemental through a painful magical process at age 10. They glow when an elemental dies, finds their mate, or are in close contact with their mate.
-Elemental's go through heat cycles when they reach age 95.


Top/Bottom; Big ass bottom
Turn on's;
-daddy kink
-orgasm denial
-being called names such as "slut", "my slut", etc
-being marked up, literally anywhere
-having to be quiet so other people don't hear
Turn off's;
-feet play
-piss play
-threesomes/being shared
-hair pulling
Heat Cycle; About a month

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