nothing left to give | mature

Start from the beginning

"You. Get out! Now!" San yelled out, pointing towards the flustered junior. The junior grabs his shirt and shoes then speed walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

San's gaze shifted back to Wooyoung who just looked at him with no remorse. The older felt sad but that sadness soon turned to anger. He calmly walks up Wooyoung then he slaps him, hard, across the face.

"Fuck you" He whispers out as the tears finally fell. Wooyoung was a bit surprised at the slap. He looks back at San's eyes at he could see the heart break and disappointment.

"Why the hell are you crying huh? I told you I don't want nor do I need your help" He replies with venom laced in his words.

San just scoffs and looks away with a sad smile as he wiped his cheeks. "You really don't get it do you? Are you that dense?"


Wooyoung was confused. What did he mean?

"I'm fucking in love with you Wooyoung. And I don't even know why... You have no redeemable qualities and you're probably one of the worst human beings I've ever met in my life... but yet I'm in love with you. How the hell does that even work?" San confesses and Wooyoung's eyes widen.

He's in love... with me?

His bottom lip began to shake and his breathing picked up. He then took the shorter's chin in his hand and guided San's eyes to meet his.

San looks back at the dark brown of Wooyoung's eyes. Their lips were just a hair's length apart and Wooyoung finally closes the distance.

They meet in a slow and sensual kiss and San just melted into it like butter. He seriously missed these lips.

Wooyoung, who initiated the kiss also breaks it. He looks at San dead in the eyes with no real emotion, the corners of his lips were lifted ever so slightly. He places one of his palm on the shorter's cheek caressing softly.

"I'm not in love with you, San" He lies. San frowns in confusion and was at a loss for words.

"I've never been in love with you and I'll never be in love with you. The sooner you get that through your head, the better" Every word he said felt like he was stabbing himself. Seeing San's eyes get blurry as more tear pours out made his heart hurt.

I think I'm in love with you too... San.

"I know" San replies with a small nod. "But why do I keep coming back even though I know you'll hurt me?"

Wooyoung simply kisses the tears that were on his cheeks.

"Fuck me. Just one last time" San offers and Wooyoung looks at him with a sad look on his face.

"I don't see how that's gonna help you get over me" He replies. The truth is he doesn't know how much longer he can keep the tears back. If they ended up having sex right now he just might break. They just weren't good for each other.

San doesn't listen though, instead he takes off his shirt and begins to take off his pants too.

"San, stop"

San then takes his face in his hands and connects their lips. Wooyoung hesitates at first but couldn't help kiss him back. San wraps his arms around his neck and Wooyoung wraps his arms around his torso.

The older jumps and wrap his naked legs around Wooyoung's waist.

"Just shut up and fuck me" San whispers darkly into his lips and Wooyoung looks into his eyes warily. Those bright beautiful eyes of his that made Wooyoung's insides churn every time was now dull and plain. They had no more emotion behind them.

I broke him.

"Gladly" He replies before walking to the bathroom with San still clinging on to him.

ᕙ - ᕗ

*excuse the cheesiness. I was eating mac and cheese when I wrote this..

me before their zero to one album dropped:

me after listening to all the bops on the holy grail of an album:

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me after listening to all the bops on the holy grail of an album:

me after listening to all the bops on the holy grail of an album:

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