Episode 1: A New Story

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This Main Protagonist of this book is Dorián, a twenty year old man, he lives with his brother, brother's wife, brother's son and his mom.

Dorián was a famous criquet (cricket) player, until he stopped playing international and the international team kicked him out, just like everyone else in the world, the walkers started to walk and kill everyone.

5 Years Ago

Dorián came home an hour late because of the traffic, Dorián came home to take care of his mother when, his mother passed away, Dorián called his brother and sister-in-law and they all griefed over their mother's death.

Dorián brother said, "How did she die?"

Dorián said, "I dont know Lucas, i came in here and saw her like that, no pulse or anything,"

Lucas said, "So you're gonna tell me, you came home late and maman (mommy) is dead?"

Dorián replied, "Oui, malheureusement, (Yes, sadly,)"

Lucas exclaimed, "What the fuck Dorián,"

Lucus then punches Dorián,

Dorian responded, "That's all you got, big brother, just because you're 2 years older than me, doesn't mean you can pick on me!"

Lucas replied, "Yes I can,"

Lucas then kicked Dorián in the stomach dropping him.

Lucas' wife said, "Maman (mommy) was just sleeping, you don't have to fight!"

Lucas exclaimed, "Move Jeanna, let me see!"

Dorián replied to Jeanna, "That's impossible, i checked for a pulse and there was rien (nothing)!"

Dorián ran to his mother side to notice her eyes are white, he said, "It's me pas (not) normal for someone have to have blanc (white) eyes!"

Lucas and Dorián both backed away when their mother jumped at Lucas trying to bite him, Lucas said "Hey maman (mother), its me Lucas,"

Dorian ran outside and came back in quickly, he grabs his mother and throws her against the wall and bashs her head in with a hammer.

Lucas exclaimed, "Why the fuck did you do that!"

Dorián responded with anger, "Look outside!"

As Lucus and Jeanna looked outside, Jeanna said, "Dorián, you did say her eyes here blanc (white) right, its like the dead are being reincarnated,"

Lucas said, "Insensé (foolish), there is no such thing!"

Dorián replied, "It could be a possibility, as i did looked for a pulse from maman (mommy) and didn't find any."

Lucas stormed out the room and went inside his car, he then shouted, "You guys are delusional, I'm outta here!"

Dorián said, Lucas--,"

Jeanna interrupted Dorián, "Let him go, he is always like this, he'll come back soon,"

Jeanna added, "He always does."

Present Day

Dorián, Jeanna and Dorián kid are on the road, when Jeanna said, "Gabriel, wake up, we're doing a pit stop,"

He shouted, "Mom, I'm 15 years old, let me sleep in peace!"

Jeanna replied, "Get your fucking ass out this car, we're doing this pit stop and you're coming along, got it?!"

Dorián arrived at the closest junk yard, Dorián said, "I'm jumping out first to scope the des scénes (scenes) to see if there is any marcheurs (walkers)."

Jeanna nodded and Dorián went inside,

Dorián whispered to himself, "There is a lot of marcheurs here,"

Dorián pulled out his metal cricket bat and started swinging, killing the marcheurs, he continued for a bit until he cleared all the marcheurs.

He signaled for Jeanna and Gabriel to come out the van, Dorián whispered, "Mostly clear, stay on guard,"

Jeanna and Gabriel doesn't have the best relationship since his dad left,

Jeanna found a snackbar, "Found a snack bar,"

Gabriel replied, "Give it to me,"

Jeanna angrily responded, "No, fuck off, we need to ration the food,"

Gabriel shouted, "Remember 2 years ago!"

2 Years Ago

Gabriel shouted, "I found a chocolate bar!"

Jeanna replied, "Give it to me and keep your voice down,"

Gabriel responded, "No i found it first!"

Jeanna demanded, "Give it to me!"

Gabriel replied, "No--"

Jeanna snatched it out of his hands and said, "When you learn to lower your voice, then you'll get this back!"

Present Day

Gabriel shouted, "I never got that chocolate bar back!"

Jeanna said, "You did!"

Dorián yelled, "Enough, that's enough, stop with your stupid drama for fucking one minute and work as a fucking team!"

Dorián continued, "I finished searched this half of the junk yard while you two were arguing,"

They entered the other part of the junk yard, they searched the junk yard and found merely anything.

They head back to their vehicle when some guys came out and said, "Where you off to strange?"

Dorián replied....

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