Chapter 8 "Let's get out of here"

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Newt walked up to Teresa's house with Minho, Aris, Gally, Alby, Sonya, Harriet, Frypan and Winston he agreed to going to the party but he was scared about what would happen since him and Teresa weren't friends at all after Thomas started to like him but now that he was dating Thomas what would she do to him?

"We are gonna have the best time!" Minho said his arm around Aris' waist.

"I guess so" Newt said rubbing his arm.

"Calm yourself Newt" Sonya said rapping a arm around him "It's gonna be fun just forget about everything you've been through and have a fun time" Newt smiled nodding then they walked inside the whole house was crowded with people loud music was playing and all they could hear was people talking Newt looked back at his friends.

"It's really loud in here!" 

"What!?" Minho yelled back Newt just rolled his eyes.

"Nevermind!" he looked around seeing lots of people from school he didn't know.

"Newt!" he looked over seeing Thomas coming over he smiled.

"Hey Tomm-" he was cut off when Thomas kissed him he slowly pulled away smiling at his boyfriend.

"I didn't think you would come you know with all the thing with Teresa" Newt chuckled.

"I thought the same about you Tommy" he smiled kissing Newt's head.

"I'm glad I did now" they both chuckled and started dancing with each other Teresa walked down the stairs to her party hoping to find Thomas so they could flirt and maybe start dating again but as she looked around she couldn't find him.

"Where is he?" she said to herself and as she turned her head she spotted him with Newt and glared hadn't she told that freak to leave Thomas alone she was about to walk over when she saw Thomas rub Newt's cheek she looked confused until Thomas kissed Newt on the lips she gasped then almost growled walking over pulling the two apart "What the hell Thomas!?" the music stops and everyone looks at the three of them.

"What are you talking about Teresa?" Thomas says holding Newt close.

"What am I talking about?! Your my boyfriend and your kissing... That!" Newt looks down and Thomas grabs his hand.

"We were never dating and I would never date you again after what you have done to Newt and me" she looked at him shocked.

"I have done nothing to you or him!" 

"Don't lie Teresa!" Newt finally stood up "You wouldn't like it if I told everyone the truth would you? That your lying but trying to hide it?" she smiled folding her arms.

"I have nothing to hide" Newt chuckles pulling out his phone.

"Oh really?" he then presses play on a video it was him at his locker getting some stuff out.

"Is that your proof?"

"Keep watching" he closed the locker and Teresa was there glaring at him on the video Newt jumped "Oh Teresa was it? You gave me a-"

"You need to stay away from Thomas" Teresa gasped and Thomas walked closer to Newt.

"I'm sorry what?" 

"You heard me you have to stay away from Thomas or you will be in so much trouble" she looked around worried as people joined Newt's side.

"That's not it" Newt said and made the video go forward to later he was walking down the hallway when he was pushed into one of the lockers and on the video Teresa could be seen glaring at him.

"Stay away from him!" she then walks away and the video goes on until Newt turns it off.

"I never knew my camera was recording anything until I checked it when I got home I was going to delete it but I didn't and now I'm glad I did" Newt and Thomas smiled and Teresa saw everyone was on their side.

"You framed me!" 

"Framed you? No Teresa you just had to open your big mouth" Thomas said and she gasped.

"Tom?" he shook his head looking back at Newt.

"Let's get out of here" Newt nodded and walked out everyone else following behind them until nobody was even in the house they all went to Thomas' place and kept the party going there but Thomas couldn't find Newt so he went to talk his friend.

"Minho is it?" Minho looks at Thomas.

"Yeah who's asking?" Thomas chuckles.

"Me er... Have you seen Newt I've been looking for him and I can't find him anywhere"

"On the balcony" 

"Thanks" he then walks away from him going to see Newt when he gets to the balcony Newt is looking out at the stars he walks over standing next to him.

"They are so pretty"

"Not as much as you" Newt smiles hugging Thomas.

"We can finally be together" 

"Yeah we can" Newt smiles again then kisses Thomas hard Thomas kisses back.

"I love you Tommy" 

"I love you too Newt"

(Thx guys for reading this it's a blast writing this I have a new Newtmas story called Can't we wake up? It's based of the Host so go read that hope you enjoy it and don't worry I'll keep writing this story)

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