Chapter 4 "So you wanna get ice cream?"

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(Back to Newt's POV)

Newt just stood there not knowing what to say.

"You want to hang out? With me?"

"Yeah I mean, you do live next door to me and I want to get to know you better" Thomas smiled as Next looked at the floor chuckling.

"Yeah I guess sure, after school?" 

"Sure I'll pick you up at home" Newt rolled his eyes thinking Thomas was making a joke about picking him up since they lived next to each other.

"See ya Tommy" Newt said before walking off to go to his next class he was excited to hang out with Thomas in his head he wanted to get to know him and this was the perfect way to do that, later Newt put on a hoodie and shorts since it was hot he walked out seeing Thomas in his jeep.

"You coming Newtie?" Newt smirked at that nickname then jumped into the passenger seat next to Thomas as he drove away heading down the street.

"So where are we going?" he asked wondering where they were going.

"Well you are new here so you haven't been to the town there is a park, lots of shops and things to look at I thought we could go there and just you know, spend time together" Thomas looked at Newt after saying that which made Newt blush just a little.

When they got into town they looked around and seeing lots of things to do and look at Newt was in shock at how big this town was even though it was known as a small one as they walked they looked in different shops and shop windows soon they were both tired so were gonna head back until Thomas saw his favourite ice cream shop he grabbed Newt's arm smiling.

"We should go there" he pointed at the ice cream shop smiling more as Newt looked at it.

"An ice cream shop?" Thomas playfully gasped putting his hand on his chest.

"An ice cream shop!? No Newt this isn't just any old ice cream shop, this is the ice cream shop" Newt chuckled.

"Do you wanna get ice cream Tommy?" Thomas then grabbed Newt's hand running towards the shop, after they had gotten their ice cream they sat in the park on the newly cut grass Thomas had gotten Chocolate and Newt got Mint choc Chip they sat in silence for a while until Thomas spoke up.

"So where did you live before moving here?" 

"Well the town was called Rosewood and it was a small town not many busy towns like this" he looked around at the town "But the kids at the school were kinda of showoffs they did what they wanted and always went off about what things they had done and won"

"Ow sounds evil" Newt chuckles laughing.

"It was nobody even knew my talent because they were so involved with themselves that they didn't care about anyone else" Thomas looked at Newt's face.

"What's your talent then?" Newt blushed bad at this since he never told anyone about his talent.

"I er don't want to say" 

"Aww why?" Thomas said making a sad face.

"You'll laugh" Thomas then took hold of Newt's hand making him look at him.

"Newt I won't laugh I promise" Newt smiled at this then took a breath.

"I like to... Dance" Newt looked at the ground closing his eyes tightly thinking Thomas would laugh but his eyes opened when he felt a hand on his shoulder he looked up at Thomas who was smiling.

"That's great Newt you'll have to show me what you can do when you get the chance" Newt blushed again smiling he thought everyone would think it was a girls thing to like to dance and would find him stupid but Thomas didn't care which made Newt happy and thankful that he knew Thomas.

After the day Thomas drove Newt and himself home he parked his jeep round the back as him and Newt walked to the front.

"I had fun today Tommy" this made Thomas smile.

"I'm glad you had fun" Newt smiled looking up at Thomas then they both stopped looking at each other then slowly Thomas leaned down to kiss him they were just about to touch lips when Thomas' Mother yelled.

"Thomas come on in it's late" Thomas laughed and so did Newt as they pulled away from each other.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah you will, see ya Tommy" Newt said as he turned to walk inside.

"See ya Newt" as Thomas walked in Newt looked at him smiling he slowly closed the front door sighing what would have happened if Thomas' Mother hadn't stopped them? Would they have kissed? Or was it something else? Newt's head was spinning so he needed time to think about this him and Thomas were just friends... Right?

(Thanks for the 22 people who have read my chapters I am really happy with it I never thought people would read my stories and I am so happy that people have read them so I thank everyone who has read my story I was thinking about doing a Newtmas Hogwarts fanfic where the two boys go to Hogwarts comment if you would want me to write that fanfic and if so like this story and help me to keep writing more stories that's all see ya guys)

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