Chapter 3 "Let's hang out just us"

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(So in this I'm having it kind of being in Thomas' POV since I wanted to do a chapter on him since I've done two on Newt so enjoy)

Thomas was pulled from his book when he heard a car pull onto the drive next door he looked outside to see a yellow car in the driveway and a women got out he smiled not knowing he had new neighbour he went outside as he walked out he saw a young boy get out that car he had bright blonde hair, brown eyes and he was really cute he smiled as the boy went to go inside.

"Hey there" he looked up at Thomas staring at him for a second "You moving in?" Thomas said then pointed at the house the boy groaned.

"Sadly yes but don't get used to us we will be moving in a month that's what happens with this family " Thomas chuckled looking down, putting his hands in his jean pockets.

"How old are you?" He asked thinking the boy was about sixteen to fifteen.

"Seventeen" Thomas' smile goes wider he didn't think he would be about his age.

"Cool so you'll be going to Glade high then?" the boy nodded then Thomas thought he hadn't even asked the boy's name "Sorry I haven't even asked your name" the boy chuckled smiling at Thomas.

"Newton, Newton Isaacs but I like Newt for short" Newt smiled again making Thomas happier by the minute.

"Well Newt I'm Thomas, Thomas Edison" 

After meeting Newt Thomas wanted to know the boy more so when he saw him walking down the street going to school he was gonna walk with him until Teresa texted me saying she would pick him up and when Teresa wanted something or to do something she got it so Thomas waited for her on his front porch she pulled up in her Mini.

"Get in boy" he rolled my eyes getting in her small car as she drove to school "So did you hear the news?"

"What news?"

"There is a new kid at school" Thomas smiled looking down.

"Yeah his name is Newt and he moved in next door to me" Teresa gasped looking at him.

"No way you got to meet the new kid first?" Thomas nodded and Teresa groaned "I always like to be the one to meet the new people first" Thomas put his hand on her shoulder.

"Maybe the next one T"

"There isn't a next time we leave this year" it was true we all had this year left then they would be all leaving and heading off to do things with their lives.

"Don't worry Teresa we will all stay in touch" she looks at Thomas concerned.

"I hope so Tom, I really do" when they got to the school they walked together seeing Scott, Jackson and Brenda at the steps.

"Finally you two show up we were about to go in without you" Jackson says in his always angry tone Scott hits him in the chest.

"Come on bro they are only a few minutes late"

"Yeah A few minutes wasted of my time" Brenda rolls her eyes.

"Clam your mouth Jackson nobody cares!" everyone but Jackson laughed he just groaned starting to walk into school during class Thomas thought about Newt and how he would act around him would he act like friends or someone he had never met.

Lunch finally came around Thomas and his friends came late since they liked to make a show about it as he walked in Thomas looked around then spotted Newt.

"Hey Newt!" he yelled at the boy Newt waved then turned back to the people on his table Thomas sat down with his friends Scott said a joke that made him laugh and the others too Thomas then felt Newt's gaze so he looked at him but he wasn't looking at him so Thomas kept staring at Newt until he looked at him Thomas smiled as Newt turned back around.

Thomas spotted Newt at his locker so he went over smiling as Newt closed his locker he jumped a little.

"Do you do this all the time?"

"Do what?" he said smirking.

"Stand behind people's lockers to give them a scare when they close them?" Thomas laughed at that while Newt rolled his eyes "What do you want Tommy?" Thomas blushed at that name since it was newt giving him it.

"Let's hang out just us"

And with that I asked the boy of my dreams on a date that may change me and him for the better or worse

(Hey guys thanks so much for reading this fic I worked really hard through the night for this and I am so tired I'm gonna go to bed now see you guys later bye)

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