The War Pt.3

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I'm a bit worry since Y/n leaves the hall and going nowhere. Some of ogres, die and the army down there are fighting against them.

Where are you, y/n?! Then I heard a horse footstep from my back. I turn and it was Y/n.

"Y/N!" I call.

She stops for awhile and turn to us "I'll be back. I know how to kill them. Collect the witch who have an ice magic. Freeze the ogres and kill them by their heads."


Jungkook seems worry and I continue to find Lord Ellis. I found him, he's with Jimin and Suga.

"Your highness. I know how to kill them." I greet.

Jimin come to me "y/n! What are you doing here?"

"With an ice, we can kill them. It's slowing them down and then you attack their heads. It's their weak spot. I only know you're the one who can make it." I say.

Lord Ellis nods and close her eyes, the guards start command to the ice witch to freeze them all.

Lord Ellis as the lead by spreading the ice around them. "Thanks Y/n!"

"Arrow, attack their heads. Only their heads. Do you copy?" I ask.

They nods and start aiming their bow and arrow. I return to Jungkook and my brother.

It's work!!! It's finally works. They're slowing down.

"Tell the army down there and every sides on the Great Wall to attack their heads. Only the heads. Go now." I command the guards.

I turn my head to Jungkook and my brother. They look mad at me right now. "What you have done Y/n? You disobey me?!!!"

Jungkook yells at me "I'm sorry, I fall asleep. Then I've got a vision about the books in our room. I found about the ogers and read it. Guards have to protect the hall, so I have to came here alone."

Jungkook want to nag at me again but my brother interrupts "we're continue with this later. Let's get back to work."

"Assist her to the hall and MAKE SURE SHE DIDN'T COME OUT AGAIN. YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" He yells to the guard.

The guard follow his command by dragging me away from them.

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