Chapter 14 - Habagat III

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The soft bed felt uncomfortable for the first time, sleep just would not visit Habagat no matter what he does. His head was filled with thoughts about Amihan, he could almost imagine the great bird blindfolded and fast asleep in the dark. If only sleep would come to him as easily as it would with Amihan, just with a brief moment of darkness. Only a day has passed since Amihan was held in custody and he already missed her.

Amihan could never have done those things... but where was she all that time?

Doubts and questions began to surface in Habagat's head. Every evidence and witness' accounts just adds up and points directly at Amihan and Habagat is slowly losing hope that his friend could be saved. The sun was slowly peeking from the horizon and showered it's warm light from the door of Habagat's room.

Habagat saw a shadow block the light and a voice came from behind "Hey, how are you doing?" Habagat turned around and saw Malayon's face.

Dark circles marked her eyes and she was still in her sleeping gown, an almost transparent silk dress that covered her down to her feet. Habagat could almost see the faint hint of the cotton small clothes she wore and before his face could shine bright red he quickly turned away.

"I-I'm fine." Habagat blurted out of embarrassment "What are you doing here anyway? Go get yourself some sleep."

"No you're not, you haven't gotten any sleep too, I know. You're not the only one feeling sad for Amihan, she was my friend too." Malayon's voice wavered ever so slightly.

"Amihan is my responsibility.. you don't have to busy yourself with our affairs."

"I know what you're thinking, Habagat... I know how you were before Amihan... I saw how the others avoided you, I was there..." Malayon's words struck Habagat like rocks being thrown at him and it was slowly weighing his chest down.

"... you're thinking that if Amihan dies you'll be left all alone again... that you won't have anyone to cry on anymore.... but what you're forgetting is that before Amihan you had me..." Habagat felt a sudden pressure from behind and realized that Malayon has locked him in a tight embrace.  Something warm and wet was slowly spreading on his back yet time itself felt as if it came to a complete stop.

Habagat could not utter a word for what she said was completely right, when everyone kept their distance he hid in the woods to find comfort but she was the one who came along with him. When Amihan came in to his life he finally found a reason for everyone to avoid him, but still Malayon remained and ignored the fear that kept others away.

It was then that Habagat felt Malayon pull herself away "I heard that the babaylan was to return today from her trip... I'm going to meet her and stall her for the trial... go do your best to save Amihan, alright?" Before Habagat could respond Malayon was already gone.

Malayon was right, he shouldn't be losing hope right now, not when Amihan is counting on no one else but him. Habagat began to prepare for the trial and set out to the center of the balangay while thinking on how he should approach this situation. He felt like a fool for easily losing hope for his friend, how could he give up easily on Amihan. But now the question was what could he do?

I could free Amihan forcefully, if I'm quick enough I might break her cage before anyone could stop me. No! I should sneak in when no one's guarding her, besides it's just an animal's trial, no one would bother go there just to see a bird get executed.

Upon arriving at the balanggay's center Habagat easily proved himself wrong, the place was overly crowded with people and working his way through to the center took him long enough. Even the judge's seat which he thought to be empty because of the absence of the babaylan was seated upon by Datu Diwas himself and beside him was Amihan's cage covered by a red blanket to keep her asleep the whole trial.

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