Chapter 7 - Bayakan I

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Clamor filled the night in the balanggay, farmers herded the cows and warriors were scrambling about. The cows' bellows were filled with fear; something unseen in the shadows of the forest disturbs them making the farmer's job harder. The warriors were fully armed as if war was upon them, they were urging people to go back inside their houses. Warriors and farmers alike lit the whole balanggay with burning torches in their hands; tonight will be extremely dark for the seven moons have already passed; only the stars of Lisuga would guide them.

While the people of Balanggay Pundok were drowning in their anxiety, Bayakan was hiding on top of a tree filled with excitement; he would not allow himself to be trapped in his house where he would only hear the clamors of battle and nothing more. He wanted to see everything just like the first night the aswang attacked, everyone was taken by surprise when a beast of leathered wings came and ravaged the farms and then taken nothing but a single cow, ever since then the beast would come under the cloak of the night and grab his prey. Life in Balanggay Pundok for Bayakan was extremely boring, he had nothing to do but tend to the cows, feed the chickens and watch the day go by, but now something was supplying him the thrill he was yearning for.

"Hurry up with those cows, we don't have all night!" A deep voice commanded the farmers "Warriors steady those torches! Don't let the aswang smell those cattle!"

The men were restless, it has been seven nights since the last attack, the clever monster was waiting for the bright moon to vanish from the sky. Datu Gabbang has slept the least among them, commanding his men day and night were tiresome work. There had already been four attacks yet they haven't learned anything from the assailant except for what it looked like. Datu Gabbang commands softened once all their cattle were hidden in the barn.

"Listen well and sharpen those eyes, men! There is but one enemy and it will come flying here, ready your spears for anything that moves in the forest." Datu Gabbang ordered, Bayakan was not sure whether it was the loudest whisper he have ever heard or the softest shout.

Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours yet nothing happened, the stars just stared at them from the sky. The blowing cold winds didn't help the aching of Bayakan's muscles but he could not climb down the tree knowing that Datu Gabbang was around; the datu strictly told him to stay at home. Then in the silence of the night came a loud banging noise coming from the woods, the warriors assumed their stance, something was coming from the forest. Bayakan was holding tightly on the branch in anticipation, the banging sound came in a fast beat and it became louder and louder, it was coming closer.

Out of the shadows of the forest appeared a group of men accompanied by two men beating their drums in an ancient tribal rhythm, they were warriors and they were armed for combat except for one of them, he was dressed like a maharlika and beside him stood a sharp bearded man. The beating of the drums ceased once they were at the balanggay's gates. The finely dressed maharlika approached Datu Gabbang and kneels on one knee.

"A pleasant evening to you Datu Gabbang, I am Lakuran, vassal of Raja Mamuno. I hope our little noise a while ago did not disturb the peace of your people, an acquaintance of mine advised me that loud music keeps the aswangs away." The maharlika said gracefully.

"Hurts their damn ears. Ah, a fire at last." The bearded man interrupted arrogantly while revealing a roll of tobacco and lit it with the warrior's torch.

"Hmm... explains the absence of the aswang's appearance tonight... would you mind if I ask you to keep playing those drums till sun rise?" Datu Gabbang asked while stroking his chin.

"Bah! There's no need for that, it's already way past midnight, aswangs don't hunt for prey past that hour." The bearded man said then spat on the ground blotting it with brown phlegm. Datu Gabbang gave the man a disapproving look but he just looked at back at him.

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